I may have the wrong end of the stick here but a hydraulic handbrake won’t pass an MOT you need a mechanical one
What about one of these
With ABS you need to run both rear brake lines down the middle of the car and twin hydraulic cylinders which will probably not fit between the seats Too much hard work for me if I could easily fit a set of mechanical calipers.
[quote=OrangeD]What about one of these
http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/Spot%20.html [/quote]
You might need 2
They work after a bit of re work - but you need to fabricate some brackets
I dont know if you got a reply on SELCOCK but the problem with the mounting CTC is
- The Pro 5000 + Caliper has a mounting hole offset of 43.2 while the more usually used 5100 series caliper ( Motorsport version ) has an offset of 47.4
Yes saw that thanks Andy. Had already decide to get some billet uprights made anyway
Happy Birthday Marc
Thanks jonny
New Gaz monotubes…
expensive though…
There’s some interesting things on the Pilbeam website.
Have to say though that I don’t see a great many reviews on the web about their Lotus kit. Maybe their customer base is more race orientated and so less likely to post on their mods?
Its virtually impossible to buy things from Pilbeam in my experience. I have tried on more than one occasion to spend a vast amount of cash with Pilbeam, only to have calls not returned and questions unanswered. In the end I just gave up trying.
I’ve always had the polar opposite experience with Pilbeam to you Sean.
I’ve been using their components for many years now and to my mind they’re the best you can buy, I believe this so strongly I asked to put the name all over my car - I’m not sponsored to do so, I’m just a very happy customer.
I think one reason they’ve managed to stay relatively unknown and under the radar over the last few years is that the vast majority of their already existing components were firstly quite race oriented but then also effectively disallowed by the regs in the Elise Trophy and lotus Cup races.
I seem to remember quite a few people (possibly including you Sean?) enquiring about Elise trophy regs friendly uprights etc just as that RSW Evo project was getting under way, I think it was just unfortunate timing in that the project simply took pretty much 100% of resources at Pilbeam for a fair old while.
Just my 2p - cheers if you read this far!
Azrael, do you run the Pilbeam uprights ?
I couldn’t figure out if the prices of their uprights included hubs or not… I was looking to see how they compared price wise to Eliseparts GT uprights.
Hi Dave, Yes I do.
I’m pretty certain the prices don’t include the hubs. For info if you’re looking for uprights to fit to standard wishbones you’d have to go for Eliseparts anyway.
Regarding uprights, watch this space
New GAZ monotubes…
Rolling again…
Naked again!
And now the engines lighter too…
Darren said the engine was in really fine fettle, showing almost no signs of wear