Beautiful colour, especially in sunlight
It does look ace in the sunlight, lots of work ahead to get it back together !
Absolutely stunning
We must make a special effort next year at the event to get all the ‘super-modified’ together.
bring quo out of retirement too
I’ll start hassling him about it next week
Darren’s moving to a new unit this year, complete with a couple of guys that do carbon bits for F1 teams, expect to see some more carbon on the car
You will certainly struggle to any together that could qualify as ‘super-standard’ that’s for sure
That looks awesome
Looking forward to putting it back together.
Now that Darren’s unit is finally finished I found a spare weekend to at least start screwing things back together…
Clam off…
Lights in…
New driving lights and brackets…
Splitter refitted…
New door seals…
Doors finished, wing mirrors fitted…
Canards refitted and clam on…
New LED rear lights, I’m going to change the decals to black, the grey just looks washed out…
Couldn’t get the extended front splitter and side cills fitted as the air jack system is not currently operating, job for the next visit, hoping the engine will be ready by mid October.
Bit more work done, subframe powder coated, brand new longerons, refinished wishbones built up with new ball joints and spherical bearings courtesy of Dan at HPE.
wow i can’t believe it’s been so long since i updated this thread! Progress has been slow but hope to get it done this year! Lots of desing work has been done and the car completely rewired with a full Motec system, trick one off carbon airbox and intakes…
Oh my! What an update. Well worth the wait.
The carbon! The milling! Look at that.
Mother of God! That’s one hell of a machine!!!
Been keeping an eye on this on PH, fantastic project - hope you keep it up to date here
Its really taking shape now! Custom bilet alternator cage done, new S/c bracket all fitted up and the roof mount airbox done.
This is automotive porn