Air jacks now working …
TTS honda powered lotus Exige air jacks - YouTube
Top cool
The car is looking awesome, it will be one of the fastest cars with a Lotus badge ever to take to the circuit at Hethel huh!
Lol, not under my stewardship it won’t be ! Maybe when Darren’s driving
Very cool, the absolute dogs.
Good to see it back so soon
yes, in relative terms its been done quite quickly all things considered! Hope yours is back soon too
this is just me in the car, first time alone in almost 3 years!!!
hethel 2014 lotus exige TTS Honda supercharged - YouTube
looks a proper monster now
BLOODY HELL do I like that!
There is a shit load of design work in that, might take a couple of weeks to complete .
That is very cool indeed
What a glorious and elegant piece of kit. Done by 3D printing?

What a glorious and elegant piece of kit. Done by 3D printing?
No, Cnc