S1- S2K

Air jacks now working …

TTS honda powered lotus Exige air jacks - YouTube

Top cool :sunglasses:

The car is looking awesome, it will be one of the fastest cars with a Lotus badge ever to take to the circuit at Hethel huh!

Lol, not under my stewardship it won’t be ! Maybe when Darren’s driving :wink:

:thumbup: Very cool, the absolute dogs.

Very successful TD today…

TTS Lotus Exige Hethal - YouTube

Good to see it back so soon

yes, in relative terms its been done quite quickly all things considered! Hope yours is back soon too :thumbup:

this is just me in the car, first time alone in almost 3 years!!!

hethel 2014 lotus exige TTS Honda supercharged - YouTube

A bit more gold…

And at goodwood…

looks a proper monster now

New shifter mech being machined this week…


BLOODY HELL :open_mouth: do I like that!

There is a shit load of design work in that, might take a couple of weeks to complete .

That is very cool indeed :smiley:

Shifter mech is almost done…

:open_mouth: What a glorious and elegant piece of kit. Done by 3D printing?

No, Cnc

New exhaust going in …