Roof motorsport extension.

Anyone know where they flog these? I cannot see them on Eliseparts.

Unless I am going nuts.


Yes you are going nuts!!

Perhaps its an age thing!!

Nooooooooooooooo don’t do it Russ!

Don’t worry Junks. If he can’t even find it on there website, what are the chances of him being able to use the phone to call and make the order. Plus I bet he can’t remember his address, for them to post it out. Mind you I bet his better half has some kind of dog collar with an address tag fitted to him. Saying "please take me home I am getting old and flakey!! "

Also available from Looks like it’ll let more air out than in.

Haven’t seen blue peter for a while. I bet they could do one cheaper & better.


Don’t do it Russ, wait a couple of weeks and see what happens(if you know what I mean)

You can all scoff, but you don’t know the masterplan, see.

Maddog, remember the VVR discount you got on those wheels?

Tell us more!!!

You can all scoff, but you don’t know the masterplan, see.

Maddog, remember the VVR discount you got on those wheels?

does that mean you want 1 and I don’t have to send you a cheque

If you send me ten, then you don’t have to pay for the wheels.

Are you attaching the scoop extension to motorsport panels or Exige panels ? It took a fair bit of cutting/filling to get it to fit to mine. (nothing beyond your skills, but not a 5 minute job)

I have currently got a motorsport roof that I’ll be modifying and then taking a mould from that so will have a nice big scoop

If you send me ten, then you don’t have to pay for the wheels.

I won’t be making those naff extenders so there is no way I’m sending you 10 roofs

Anyway, MADDOG, who said you could advertise on here


or more appropriately now you’re a racin’ driver


If you send me ten, then you don’t have to pay for the wheels.

He’s not pinching stuff off you too is he Russ??

Anyway, MADDOG, who said you could advertise on here

[image]>> [/image]

or more appropriately now you’re a racin’ driver

[image]>> [/image]

I thought that was only for newbies/strangers
besides I have got quality products and you’ll want to be my friend when you break something so be nice
I’d like to think I am bringing something positive to the lotus community by supplying affordable good quality products

If you send me ten, then you don’t have to pay for the wheels.

He’s not pinching stuff off you too is he Russ??

No, I have to pay Russ

It took a fair bit of cutting/filling to get it to fit to mine. (nothing beyond your skills, but not a 5 minute job)

Looking at the picture on the site I can well believe it…bloody ugly…

besides I have got quality products and you’ll want to be my friend when you break something so be nice
I’d like to think I am bringing something positive to the lotus community by supplying affordable good quality products
