Remote Thermostat question

Sean - you have that valve down there on the right that non aircon cars dont have and that regulates the flow to the heater matrix - ie Air con on flow stopped

Im sure that gets in the way ?

Hmmm - ‘Rover’ …

Didn’t they once make cars ??

I have actually left that valve in there, as at the time I didn’t know what it was for. and it didn’t get in the way at all.


I have actually left that valve in there, as at the time I didn’t know what it was for. and it didn’t get in the way at all.


[color:“red”] So be very careful to never put the heater switch to the cold-position! [color:“black”]

I did the same as you � removed a/c, left the valve, installed Gearys remote stat. All worked fine � stable temps between 79 and 81 on road and track. But then the weather got fine and I put the heater knob to �cold�. After a rest I returned to track. It took fife minutes and the water temp was 125 degrees!!!

What happend? There is a micro switch under the a/c heater knob. When you put it to cold, the valve closes /by a vacuum switch) the circulation of the heater water. When this happens, the thermostat never gets warm and will never open � so the water circulates only thru the motor and never thru the cooler�

So I tuck the valve out and now every thing seem to work fine � the heater (hot and cold) and even the cooling water.

I’ll remove the vale, cheers matey!!! Think of all those extra grams I’ll save as well.

So will i after that, thanks for the tip.

I am a bit confused reading this. My car sticks at 89 whether on track or the road, however in traffic it will go into the 90s (to be expected). How come my car is running hotter than everyone elses ? How much, roughly, would it cost for a garage to install a remote stat, or is it something an idiot can do ?

89oC sounds like a 177bhp car?

What happens to the temp when you nail it after having been stuck in trafic? It is likely to drop. A remote thermo will help prevent this kind of behaviour.

You’d probably want somebody else to do the work.


just to underline my previous comment. I AM AN IDIOT . I have just been out in the blue beast and its static at 79c not 89c.

ignore me, everyone else does …

Did someone just say something???

eh wot… who said that ?

Has anyone fitted the PRRT stat to an aircon a yet?. Interested in doing it but carlo’s site hasn’t got a diagram for AC equipped cars. HGF and remote thermostat