Pre-Anglesey Northern Chapter Meet and General Get Together

Sunday 7th Feb 11AM at the Lakes Motor Museum - tea, coffee, cake, etc. Kick tyres, general chinwag and discuss plans for Anglesey. Hopefully a few can make it and the weather is not still doing the biblical rain thing.

For anyone who hasn’t visited the museum before the address is:

Lakeland Motor Museum Limited, Old Blue Mill, Backbarrow, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 8TA

The cafe where we get together is to the rear of the museum alongside the river - you don’t need to enter the museum to use the cafe.


I’m new here but it would be good to meet a few people before Anglesey so I’m in.


Sorry chaps but my car is on SORN until 1st March :frowning:
So looking forward to another meet after that but before Anglesey :thumbup:

Given the time of year turning up in any vehicle is perfectly acceptable :slight_smile:

MMMM…Ive got my lad so it will be hit or miss but will give it a try. If I do it will be in the GTE.


Sorry cant make this Sunday now guys. :frowning:

We can call this on Friday. If we are struggling for attendees we can delay it a little while.

Me neither…

Ok, will see who can make it. Shame, though

Looks like the weather is crap, so count me out, I’m afraid . . I’ll also be recovering from a stag do. something entirely unrelated to my decision, of course :angel:

As I wasn’t sure if this was going ahead or not ive had to make other plans. maybe next time

And I’ve got manflu again - twice in 3 weeks now FFS!

Another time. Can’t leave it too long though as it’s less than 8 weeks to Anglesey.

Might pop down to Chis Neil’s open day, depending on weather

How about having the meet Saturday 5th March or Sunday 6th ?

Saturday 5th is a possibility for myself and dad.

Sundays always best for me.

Somewhere other than TLMM too?

What’s wrong with TLMM Tim? It’s handy for people coming from the south and for people making there way down county. I’m happy to take suggestions that work for a majority (or any suggestions actually)

Not much really Paul, its a long way for Sherman and not much to do when he gets there.