Pre-Anglesey Northern Chapter Meet and General Get Together

What about Cartmel, not far from TLMM and there is a decent size car park.
Sherman can do a few laps of the race course too :wink:

Plenty of Pubs :slight_smile:

Good idea.

Any thoughts?

But, sorry, Sunday only for me, I’m afraid,

Either day OK for me.

Right, fellas, need to get this sorted: Cartmel? Sunday, March 6? Meet in square 11ish.( or earlier?) Lunch in village?
I fancy it, even if weather is a bit uncertain.

Yep I’m up for it.


Sorry, no can do got plans already

Don’t know if I can make it, as I have been told it’s Mothers Day on Sunday :blush:


For me, the weather forecast is the thing . . will wait till a bit closer before deciding. What d’ya think, Gav?

Not doing mothers day so happy to go out for a play and lunch.

Weather now looks promising. Soooo . . .

Have to pull out of this due to domestic matters . . . sorry fellas. Looks like post-Anglesey now for most of us, huh?

Was looking unlikely for me tomorrow as well.

Sure we will get plenty of meets in when the weather is better.

Well ‘I’m free!’ this sunday (12th) if anyone fancies a catch up?


But Sunday is 13th!!
Might be up for it, weather permitting

So any non-superstitious, non- rain/sleet/snow/ oh it looks a bit iffy- averse lotus owners fancy a meet up then? :laughing:


Tee, hee . . might have to be slow start for me . . birthday celebrations the night before

Looking like a no go for me this weekend guys, out on both Friday and Saturday nights.

So you need to stay in bed all day Sunday? :unamused:

Apologies for the radio silence guys. My “it just works” iMac has thrown a severe wobbler so I’ve had to make alternative arrangements to get online until it’s fixed. So it looks like I missed a planned event that didn’t happen :slight_smile:

Looks like I’ll be on my own at Anglessey now as the better half won’t be sufficiently recovered after her hernia op.