Poll: VHPD rebuild vs. conversion

More hypocracy


Your usual response to criticism then Simon.


More hypocracy


More illiteracy

And on your measurements…

More innumeracy


And I don’t believe a word you say anymore.

It’s no good editing your post Simon, we have quoted it.

I see you are just repeating the same old rubbish Simon.

You ported Mark’s head Simon, if readers of the thread want the full story I can certainly give it but it ain’t pretty.

Your conversion from microns to thou was a blatant error and you immediately used those erroneous and grossly inflated values in a direct comparison with other bore ovality figues given in thou to make the Scholar block look very bad. This was a complete and utter distortion of the truth and has proved to be total boll*cks, as have most of the claims you made in that post; none of which you can substantiate.

I cant help but laugh now when I read your posts.

It is one thing to be ignorant of your own measurements and their meaning, ignorance isnt stupidity, it is just a question of not knowing what you are talking about.

When ignorance becomes stupidity is when you display your ignorance to all and present it as proven fact. Where this becomes libelous is when you use this incorrect data, based on ignorance in an attempt to damage a person or business.

Tread carefully Simon, or you might well find yourself on the receiving end of a well suppoprted lawsuit, and I dont mean from me.

It I were you I would scurry along and edit the howlers out of your posts before someone anonymous kicks your backside.

As a footnote, Simon Thornley tells me that you actually 'phoned his wife while he was out to pump her for information to use against me, shame on you Simon. Lower than a snakes belly. I am stupefied by your lack of scruples, no doubt an action taken out of desperation. Needless to say Simon Thornley is not best pleased. For sure one day somebody is going to take it out on your hide.

And all of this is for the benefit of the K series?.. yeah right.


OK… looks like this thread is going nowhere fast as per usual, so I’m locking it.

Exiges.com is different from many/most BBSs in that we’re all one big happy family. Rarely do we disagree, and if we do it’s handled in a mature way, or more commonly in a playful tongue-in-cheek way (See: Pesky).

I like to think we all communicate with each other in the same way that we would face to face down the pub. One would hope that the contributors are old enough to have a driving licence, and therefore old enough to act with decorum and decency.

So… if I see any rudeness, I’m going to start editing posts. If I see repeat offences, or people re-edit my editing, they will find themselves on the end of a site ban. And you will NOT win an argument against me.

Simon, when you disappeared several months ago (returning this place to a happy and tranquil place) we were told you had decided to stop being a keyboard warrior and had gone to work on your engines so that the results could speak for you. A very good idea.

I may have missed it with such low signal/noise ratio… but how about coming back when you’ve got some real engines with real performance figures with real longevity ?