please help a newbie

Yep, the Rover 200 series, although a lot of the parts are rather upgraded. Most Caterhams have them, which would probably be more useful (if you have them in NZ). It’s a very commonly tuned and raced engine.

Try a search of the Internet, but Phils’ sitewill be a good start -


I have to be the only one that has experimented with Dynamat.

Not that I would do it now (knowing what I know), but when I bought the car new, I had the chance to choose the stereo, as it was included in the price but not installed when I saw it.
The car was sent to a specialist (Checkpoint) and I went there. The salesman seeing all the bare aluminum told me about Dynamate, and thinking with a normal car bias I said yes, go ahead.

Effects: on the floorpan and below the seta I believe it made an improvement, but not a lot. Behind the seat it didn’t do anything.
Now, it’s hard to remove, so I would advise just to get some normal mats (even below the seat) and that’s it, same result, less hassle and easily retrievable.
Let’s not forget that the noise in the cabin does not only come from the aluminum vibrating, much of it is road noise (tyres) and a lot of it is aerodynamic noise.
Ah, and the engine, but at motrway speeds you don’t even hear that, only at the track, and then it’s not bad to hear it.

NOS, I have heard of some people trying it, but the only successful one was from a tuning company in Italy, as the engine needs to be well built to be able to take it.

But then again, you don’t really need it because thes car does not do 1/4 miles, get any other car for that.
And in a racetrack you’d want whatever power to be readily accessible always, the juice is going to finish within 10 laps, and then? back to normal.
The car is about handling and learning to carry speed through the corners, so NOS just doesn’t make sense.

My 2p.

thanks you guys a trophy effot on helping me out, ive now confirmed my obseion and will be saving hard to get one next year some time, im not really after it for the 1/4 mile at all but was just intersted - cant wait to beat all the little boy racers off at the lights.

in the mean time i will be keeping a close eye on the site so i can learn as much as possible

thanks again

…cant wait to beat all the little boy racers off at the lights.

Potentially not, it’s not really a fast get away car, the torque is not that high. It also puts a large strain on the drive train and if you’re thousands of miles from a Lotus parts depot you might want to restain yourself a touch!


heh well at least we have plenty of twisting and curving roads over here, i just cant wait to get on the tracks over here too. as for the lotus dealer we do have one but i have heard some pretty bad things bout him and i plan to have some parts on hand thanks for all the help