please help a newbie

No, we won’t forgive you!

There were no other options than the Close Ratio manual Pg1 box
Even aftermarket, Quaife makes a good 6 speed sequential box, bu that has still a clutch. There is a further Quaife option, which is the paddle shift, but you still need clutch at least for starting moving, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be shifting clutchless while cruising, and you still have to tell it when.

IMHO, a person that is not willingto drive a manual car should not drive a sportscar at all.

well dont get me wrong here… i certainly would go near an auto with barge pole… but he wanted to know anyway i thought that would be the case, the the standard box is a 5 speed right? is there much benifit to go to the 6 speed? and at what sort of cost?

You can have the first5 gears closer for added punch in a track, ad then a 6th gear for cruising. The best of both worlds.

But it’s expensive, ballpark: �5K to �8K for the paddle (or button) shift one.

There is/was a CVT option for the MGF. I expect it would be possible to fit that to an Exige.
Is there something wrong with this friend of yours? No left leg? Or just a bit funny in the head?


Perhaps Bernard will make tiptronic available in his audi conversion…

(preparing to be flamed)

From what I’ve always heard tiptronic runs something like:

User presses button / paddle.

Wait 5 seconds…

Hear a clunk, make sure you come off the gas now of you’ll be bouncing off the rev limiter in neutral

Wait 5 seconds.

Hear a clunk… Now you can get back on the gas… However if you’ve just shifted up then you may need to shift down again due to the speed lost while not on the gas

In fact my nan shifts faster than most SMT’s I’ve seen

My Wife’s Alfa had the Selespeed option which is basically the same system as used on the Ferrari 360.
It was actually pretty good. The gearchange was very quick especially when you were really going for it. No bouncing off the rev limited, it always controlled the revs perfectly to match the next ratio. You do need to lift off the throttle during upshifts if you want a smooth change, but only because it takes full throttle to mean you want a race style shift, with full power being applied the instant the clutch is engaged.
The only problems come with the bloody system thinking it’s cleverer than the driver. Changing down for you when you don’t want it, refusing to change into first unless you’re below 5mph and you’ve got your foot on the brake, etc.

I’ll take a manual, thanks.

I’ll take a manual, thanks.

I’d take a sequential or that new clever instant shift no lift box as the ideal.


Manual for me! (don’t want to pay extra, I’m a tight barsteward!)

I wouldn’t mind giving Zeroshift a go. It might be good.

For about 10 grand?

I meant that I’d like to drive one. It would have to be fugging awesome to make me actually buy one. (It would help if I could afford it as well.)

10K? I thought it was 7.5k…

10K? I thought it was 7.5k…

Still a bargain, then.

I agree auto is no fun. I made the mistake of changing an M3 for a Brabus Merc 6 months ago and now it has gone again. Enought said. Least the Exige got used more

10K? I thought it was 7.5k…

I pulled the nubers from the rectal database Ballpark, eh?

And regarding the Merc, no version has really done anything for me ever. Although some seem … elaborated and complicated, it just doesn’t press any buttons.
Just as well, it gets bought by other people…

so another few questions yet again… nos? has anyone out there played with it? i heard that a wet fullthrottle 50shot kit wouldnt cause any harm to the engine and would increase power by about 50hp? how acurate is this? just an idea anyway… and also how bout dynamat? has anyone tried to dyna mat the cabin to make it a bit more comfortable or improve the sound system? also what are the differences between an exige and a noble? thanks yet again still gathering information

I’m not sure anybody in the UK takes Nos too seriously. Fine for drag racing and Street meets but not really a trackday/racing tool. Also it adds weight = bad.

Dynamat? Not familiar but I worry if the focus is trying to improve the cabin to make the stereo better! Also, I suspect it adds weight = bad.

Noble, well on paper you’d think it was better. Upto about 400bhp, but they’re soft by comparison, and usually slower on track, more expensive (I’d want a better cabin effort for the money), etc


well the dyna mat would also make the cabin mch more comfortable in regards to engine sounds… but i do want to be able to hear it so i was just wondering if anybody had played with it. and the dyna mat is fairly light weight but dunno if its worth it. quite a few people over here play with the nos on thier track cars but i was wondering if it was just the stupidity of americans/candians… the full throttle kit only injects the nos when your foot is right down and a 50 shot is a fairly small doesage but again with the weight im just not sure that it would be worth it - and could be costly to fill up

also another few i thought of - keep thinking of things then forgetting them wheni log in… are there any of the rover cars that use this engine? as it could be easy to source parts if the rover car is popular over here… and i was also after a good web page with specs on the exige just overall specs and info like 1/4 mile times and 0-60 times and technical specs etc…