Picture entries for Exige Calender

[image]http://uk.geocities.com/[email protected]/cjh_colour_cutout.jpg[/image]

That’s a great pic Chris but screens are wider than tall. Just so you know, it may need to have black bars down either side if selected.



Well Here’s my entry
4 Aussie Exiges



should be bigger at least.

http://snap25.photobox.co.uk/8314187432ede40b0f05961ae0be652e0e5a394be533e924226ebfc1.jpg >

Soory to be a plank but why would my link stop working?. Obviously a tecnical thing or is it the hostng site cutting it off?.







Well Here’s my entry
4 Aussie Exiges

Looks like you spilled a packet of candy.

Well Here’s my entry
4 Aussie Exiges

Looks like you spilled a packet of candy.

Shweeet! [boom, boom ]

Ok all, any more? We’re upto 33 so far but room for a few more peoples’ contributions I’d say.

I’ll try and sort a voting thread out over the weekend.


Sure I’ve posted this before but me and TarmacT had some pics done on the Moors by the guy we use for our product shots at work. Sure I could get the copyright released if you’re interested.The 3rd and 4th pages are the best.

Bailey Cooper’s Lotus

Want to pic 3 favs of yours?

I quite like:




Surrey at its finest…


Want to pic 3 favs of yours?

Those were 3 of my favourites, but also quite like:




and, completely irrelevant I know, but I think this is just pure sex:


If non Exiges were allowed…

Or a little grainy


If non Exiges were allowed…


I like this one, & I hope to see it in the calandar.

Just to point out, it would need black bars down the side to make it fit a screen ratio.


Well if you would like to consider any of these, you are welcome. If a friend hadn’t shown up at an inopportune moment I could have taken more before the sun went down.
first piccies
Just got her back yesterday after the ohlin install, so maybe I’ll be able to snap a few more tomorrow.


Anglesey - natural home of the Exige
