Picture entries for Exige Calender

How high does the noble look in this photo!!!

Absolutely huge - also look at the difference in the air intakes of the two Exiges…is that real or just an optical illusion?

god just noticed that aswell, it look like a complete different roof!


How high does the noble look in this photo!!!

Absolutely huge - also look at the difference in the air intakes of the two Exiges…is that real or just an optical illusion?

god just noticed that aswell, it look like a complete different roof!

Nope, you’re not imagining it they are different.

Probably wont work but.

Steve, is that hosted somewhere (e.g. Photobucket.com, which is free)?


Absolutely huge - also look at the difference in the air intakes of the two Exiges…is that real or just an optical illusion?

god just noticed that aswell, it look like a complete different roof!

Nope, you’re not imagining it they are different.

Anyone got any more details on the larger roof scoop ?? i need to get more air through the roof vent on my car but i really dont want to put one of those extensions on


Try again

Try again

And again, please - unless you expect us to go out buy a magnifying glass

Try again

And again, please - unless you expect us to go out buy a magnifying glass

Small but perfectly formed.

How the bloody hell do I re-size pics I am clueless on computers.




Try again

The picture is not showing at all for me.

Some times you need to set the options to public.

Or there maybe an alternative URL provided for the pic.

Also, if you click the ‘Image’ button rather than the ‘URL’ button the picture may just appear on the forum, rather then justa link.

Good luck!


god just noticed that aswell, it look like a complete different roof!

Nope, you’re not imagining it they are different.

Anyone got any more details on the larger roof scoop ?? i need to get more air through the roof vent on my car but i really dont want to put one of those extensions on

I could be wrong, but isn’t the bigger scoop from the Motorsport car?


Nope, you’re not imagining it they are different.

Anyone got any more details on the larger roof scoop ?? i need to get more air through the roof vent on my car but i really dont want to put one of those extensions on

I could be wrong, but isn’t the bigger scoop from the Motorsport car?

Yep, that’s the one, the MS roof

should be bigger at least.


Yeah, well done Nice picture frame too

Yeah, well done Nice picture frame too

Looks even better now with my new visor.


I still can’t see it, says picture unavailable?

Not been out with the camera much.



Another sweet photo Paul!

how many days?!

Thursday next week, so 8 days more or less now…

you have serious some catching up to do!

AS a proud new owner, I’ll do my best to get some decent shots ASAP, but they won’t be the equal of yours!