Picture entries for Exige Calender

Well if you would like to consider any of these, you are welcome. If a friend hadn’t shown up at an inopportune moment I could have taken more before the sun went down.
first piccies
Just got her back yesterday after the ohlin install, so maybe I’ll be able to snap a few more tomorrow.

I think we need an arty portrait shot with your plate in clear view!




Heres a couple of my old car.


Heres a couple of my old car.

A Leeds car by any chance?


Fantastic scenery in the background

Do you have the roads to match, where are you???


Its overcast today and now its supposed to snow again this week
I’m in Utah, south of Salt Lake City. Those are the Wasatch mountains, kind of the western side of the Rockies. Yes we have lots of really nice roads, You can fit the UK inside of the state and the population is only ~2M. Outside of SLC there are a lot of well kept windy roads that are not very much used. Best though, is this years opening of a world class race circuit http://www.millermotorsportspark.com and it’s only a 40min drive, not the 7-12 hours drives to the other nearest tracks. I’ve been asked to instruct so I am hoping that translates to a lot of track time.
I’ve been a Porsche owner for a long time ( but I have seen the error of my ways). There are not many Lotus owners out here but we do (well did anyway) have the only Lotus Museum in the USA http://www.utahlotusmuseum.com
Fortunatly I’ve had the privilege of driving several of his cars. Well probably more than you wanted to know

BTW It took a while to register here (my fault) I now have my regular handle registered so I’ll be switching to Adamant to save (mostly myself) any confusion.

I apologise as this is really in the wrong thread but here is a taste of some roads out here (gratuitus Porsche content, I’m afraid)
All the cars seen are in our group

Heres a couple of my old car.

A Leeds car by any chance?


I’m from the Wirral, I bought your old seats!! the guy who had the car before me was from Southport. I sold it to a chap who lives about 1/2 a mile from me.

Great pics & roads


I’m from the Wirral, I bought your old seats!! the guy who had the car before me was from Southport. I sold it to a chap who lives about 1/2 a mile from me.

Hi Tom so my seats have gone to a third new home? What are you driving now.

My final offerings, some more serious or on behalf of others.








Any more from anybody else?

My final offerings, some more serious or on behalf of others.

Any more from anybody else?

Where was the first shot taken? Is the second Thruxton?

The first picture looks like the old banked circuit at Brooklands Brooklands Track

Where was the first shot taken? Is the second Thruxton?

Yes, the first is Brooklands, I was delighted to get it that clear. I have some others up on the banking (alone and with 2 other S1s), but that is the best pic. Let me know if you want to see the others.

Yep, the second is the chicane at Thruxton.


Where was the first shot taken? Is the second Thruxton?

Yes, the first is Brooklands, I was delighted to get it that clear. I have some others up on the banking (alone and with 2 other S1s), but that is the best pic. Let me know if you want to see the others.

Yep, the second is the chicane at Thruxton.


If the first is anything to go by, I’d love to see the others. Properly eerie!

Where is brooklands? that picture is the best shown i think, looks fantastic! It looks like some thing of GT4

If the first is anything to go by, I’d love to see the others. Properly eerie!

Other angles may take the magic off it a bit but I’ll dig them out.


Where is brooklands? that picture is the best shown i think, looks fantastic! It looks like some thing of GT4


Brooklands is in Weybridge. They use to hold a Sporting Bears event there, where people would turn up in their exotica and blast passengers up and down the runway for some money for charity. When I did it with a couple of other Exiges we took the change to explore the banking and take some pics.

Sadly Mercedes have now bought the runway and turned it in to a development (or some sort) of centre. The museum is great though. Plenty of interesting stuff and old chaps with great stories.

I’ll set up the voting when I get a chance (possibly tonight), so get any last pics in quick.

