Oz ProdSports 1 hour race

This weekend. 8 Lotuses entered including 4 Honda cars. Can’t wait.


Good luck!

Have to say Dave, the car is looking Great with all the new decals added…

Agree Chris…looks lovely!

Have to say Dave, the car is looking Great with all the new decals added…

Where’s Jesus gone?

Where’s Jesus gone?

He’s still sponsoring the other car, not Dave’s

I think Jesus died 2007 years ago???

Jesus still sponsors Peter Lucas’ car.

I was going to put S I M O N on mine but thought better of it.

I was going to put S I M O N on mine but thought better of it.

Nowt wrong with Scuffers in my book

Apart from his aviators, that is

I agree Pesky, Scuffers is a top bloke who has helped me immensely, but I thought taking the piss out of Jesus is a bit harsh.

Sorry, obviously I’m getting old and can’t keep up

Car looks great! Are you on the standard SCed Honda or have you made some mods to it?

Std Link-Up JDM SC with 3.4" pulley.

With 70L tank so it will last 1 hour

What sort of HP are you getting from it? Presumably alot if you are keeping up with 997 Cup cars!

Do you have any issues with wheel bearings and brakes given that you are using those ulta light KMS wheels?

Not much point in quoting HP. It has enough for now.

Not sure what you think the problem with the wheels is. They are not magnesium like Speedline if that helps??

My car has Pilbeam uprights with bigger bearings and large AP brakes so not problems at all there.

70L in an hour nice work

Not sure what you think the problem with the wheels is. They are not magnesium like Speedline if that helps??

My car has Pilbeam uprights with bigger bearings and large AP brakes so not problems at all there.

Sounds like an excellent setup. Wouldn’t lighter wheels reduce stresses anyway?

70l in an hour eek. I must learn to drive harder.

Good luck with the whole weekend.

What a day. Qualifyed 6th. 2nd by the end of lap 1. Stayed there for first 1/2 hour. Dropped to 3rd after driver change (Professional drivere jumped in GT3 and drove the nuts off it)
Finished 4th by 0.5 seconds. Very happy with the result.

Proof that Scott was actually ahead of Mike at one stage in the 5 lap race.


and a fantastic start in the main race that had us in 2nd place by the end of lap one.









Well done Dave, & everyone else involved

Great piccies too

Well Done Dave

its nice to see so many elises on track in Aus

Great photos - they really show the different brake setups being run and how low the ex-Cadena car is at the front.