Oz ProdSports 1 hour race

LOL, that’s not a Cadena car. It is actually the first Motorsport chassis with a MS splitter (other two have Exige splitters) Peter who owns the car just liked the colour scheme.


I love it when our wee cars whip Porsches!


Great photos - they really show the different brake setups being run and how low the ex-Cadena car is at the front.

Looks to me as though that car (its not what you think it is) is actually running slightly higher, its just the MS front splitter thats macking it look really low?

Oops - obviously wasn’t paying attention how can i mix up an S1 with an S2

  • Shame on you Steve !!

Video from Scott driving in the 5 lap race.

Download 70mb incar vid here.