Oulton Park 23rd August

Just had word from the edwardz that my car is ready for collection, so if i can sort the logistics i will see you there

Just had word from the edwardz that my car is ready for collection, so if i can sort the logistics i will see you there

Cool, t’is gonna be quite a gathering. Are th boyz coming too?

Cool, t’is gonna be quite a gathering. Are th boyz coming too?

Much to their disappointment, they sadly can’t make it

…so if i can sort the logistics i will see you there

To a man of your calibre, that means it’s sorted

Fantastic day, great to see so many Exigers

That is all.

Don�t suppose anyone managed a snap or two???


Great to put a few faces to names and catch up with those I’ve already met…

Awesome day…although judging by the trip home I haven’t sorted my vacuum hose/fueling problem properly yet

Many,many thanks to Andy for the second hand brake pads! I owe you one!

No worries Dave …

Was a top, top day … great to see everyone.

However, this weekend I will mostly be repairing oil seals and driveshafts … again

Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Grest to see the sun again.

The running repairs all held up and I managed to limp the car home safely. I’ll stay off the kerbs next time.

Hell! Wish I could have been there . . . but work, you know. Will be there on Sunday for Gold Cup. I know it’s not the same but there is a big gathering of Lotus folk. Glad you all had a great day. Evo-Ufo, too, I hope.

really enjoyed it managed to clock up 180 miles on track giving passenger rides to friends

The running repairs all held up and I managed to limp the car home safely. I’ll stay off the kerbs next time.

Nice to see you again, glad it held together and I’ve restocked the garden wire supply:)

Thinking about it, I doubt its the kerbs that caused it.
I’ve been bouncing off them for years now, with no probs.
More likely a weakness in the original construction?

Don�t suppose anyone managed a snap or two???

Wasn’t much of that going on I’m afraid.

Had a grand day though!


Yep great day at a great circuit in great company I had planned to take some pics but for the above reasons never got around to it!

No worries gents, just thought I�d ask.


Yeah I had a great day.

Took my 996 Turbo and after doing 3 laps I came in as it was bloody scarey. lol. Bloody fast down the straights, but shocking round the corners felt like a big blamonge. Now I think we all know 996’s aren’t bad cars, I stand by it on the road as still being awesome, but it really shows how good our little Lotus’s are on track!!!

Went out for a passanger ride with Ben, awesome car, great driving even tough it was his first time at Oulton.

Highlight of the day was when Andy D chucked me his keys and I got half a dozen laps in his car. Felt very well screwed together, handled great, went extremly well, awesome car!!!

Ian took me out for a pasanger ride, and I can only conclude that the guy is a nut job!! Thank god he has only got a standard K series in his car. If he had some decent power I think he would kill himself!!! LOL

Ian get yourself a race license!!! Oh and a roll cage!!


Thanks Sean,…was nice to have you along for my first tentative laps. I too really enjoyed my pax laps with both you (in Andys car) and Russ (in my car). Shame you never got to have a drive in mine, you know you were more than welcome. You could have taken a leaf out of Ian’s book and had a ‘gentle’ run round in it (I thought as I watched an AO48 flavoured cloud of smoke drift across the pitlane in the wake of my car ) You know I trust you implicitly Ian

Here’s a lap from the day… gorgeous weather and mostly empty track apart from a Ferrari driver who really wasn’t wanting to let people past…


Nice smooth driving sir. Car sounded great too

Glad you all enjoyed the day - the weather certainly helped! We have another trackday next week at Snetterton on 12th September if any of you fancy coming again.
Full price is �159, but for anyone who quotes exiges.com when you book, we can do it for �140. 01508 536290 is the number you need to book!