One little hole

First job I’ve ever done where nothing went wrong! Thanks for the confidence to give it a go John (and Edwards for the part numbers and tips).

Now runs fine (as in smoothly and without oil leaking out!) but still going to get it serviced having given the cheap oil a few low rev miles to flush some of what may have happened inside during its few moments in high friction mode through the filter.

Ian :slight_smile:

christ that filter went bad quickly!

Glad to hear it’s an easy fix.

Good work.

How old is that filter???

I don’t recall but it’s not out the ark like it looks. It started life a dark colour it hasn’t changed much. I guess more than 1 year less than 2.

assume you’re running a remote filter head?

Looks like it’s been punctured with a screwdriver

Yes, how the Edwards build’em. Why?

I guess because it would have been really scary in the OE location

Oh blime, there’s a thought! :open_mouth:

Note to self, refit rear-view mirror as safety device.

Ian :confused:

yeah and considering how far down the sill the oil went, it’d be an epic oil leak from the stock location.

There’s a question: Is it better to spray oil on to a hot manifold or the rear wheel?

Answers on a postcode to your local Lotus owners embittered spouse.

Hmm, I wonder if it was a screwdriver? My wife is far too good for me, perhaps she’s worked that out!

Yeah, just ask RussT :wink:

Yes, just thinking about the same thing…it was that issue that made us move the filter to the remote above the sill.

Glad its sorted Ian.

Holy cow ! - Is it possible a stone did that ? - coming in via the side pod ?

Highly improbable I’d have thought.

That’s pretty shocking given the age of the filter. Looks like its been something inside that’s come out through to make the hole. Something more than just the oil, or do you think its just rusted away?

yeah rust pinhole that burst it open

Yeah, what I reckon, SPA gauge tells me 75psi at about 3000rpm (although likely less in the filter can). Halfords provided a Filtron OP551 this time which is a white colour, much easier to see any potential issues (although how unlucky would I be for this to happen twice?!).

Cheers, Ian :slight_smile: