Northern Meet

How about a meet this Sunday the 12th at the Lakeland Motor Museum, was thinking 10.30/11.00.
What do you think ?
Good size car park, nice cafe for bacon roll and coffee.

Good idea. Should be ok for me, as Mrs T is off walking with WI.

If the weather is OK I might have a run over

Hope to be there too.

Great stuff. I can show you my Euro album!

Weather depending there may be a few coming over from the north east

That would be great, looking forward to meeting you all lets hope the weather is ok for Sunday :thumbup:

Looks good so far, fingers crossed it stays that way

Lotus Drivers’ Club up in the Lakes for the weekend. Have contacted them to see if they want to join us

Bugger, another I cant make!


Any feedback, Thommo?

Emailed Jennie Wilson but no reply as yet. Website does not give details of their location so far as I can see. A text to Martin might do the trick, eh?I’d assume he’d be on the trip

Spoken with Martin.

Visit to Motor Musuem was already planned for 12.30ish Sunday :sunglasses:

Weather forecast is good, so even Shrek should poke his nose out of the garage! :mrgreen:

Brill, Mr P.

Looking good for tomorrow then. :thumbup:

Looking forward to it

Have a good one guys. I have to do waaaaaay too many miles next week sadly (1200 or thereabouts) so I will be chillin’ at home instead.

I can’t wait to see the LF1 sometime soon though :sunglasses:

That’s a shame, Tim. Still, there’s plenty of scope for another meet between now and the Xmas/New Year do

Well Shrek certainly had, just spotted you Steve exiting Jct36 as I was on the roundabout. Car looked stunning just gutted that once again I was having to head in the opposite direction but having dragged Lorraine over a large number of the high fells yesterday would have been pushing my luck to ignore her request to get home early today :frowning:

Have a good meet, would have been a good chance for me to catch up with MartinE again, mental note I must try harder next time.