Northern Meet

Hope you’re having fun lads, I really would like to get up the Lakes in the car next spring…

Hi Steve

Nice run out for Shrek today with run back through the lakes.

Good to meet up with everyone and sure someone will be posting up plenty of pics. :slight_smile:

Great run out to the Lakeland car museum good to meet everyone and a cracking run back via Ingleton, Hawes, Leyburn and Richmond, I’d forgotten how good those roads are, Afew pics attached

Fantastic turnout with the LDC boys too :sunglasses:

Loving the car Pete, it looks stunning :mrgreen:

Great run across and a great turn out. Had a look around the museum and for such a small building they certainly cram a lot of vehicles in.

On the way back we took the scenic route and the road from Ingleton to Hawes was great {drive}

Hopefully get back across if there is a meet near christmas

Sure to be at least 1 more before the Xmas meet Adrian :slight_smile:

I didn’t take any pics but it appears Christine took a few with her iphone

Pete your LF1 is stunning love the gold fleck in the paint really stood out in the sun

Nice to meet both Pesky and thommo today too, both S1 exiges look great

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What a great turnout today and it was nice to meet some new faces, as you can see from the pictures the weather was superb.
It was great to see thommo’s photos of the Euro trip, that is definitely something I need to do in the future.
Elliott took some pictures of the day I hope you enjoy them.
Thanks again and looking forward to another meet soon. :smiley:

Yep, a great meet. Great car, Pete. And good to see the LdC gang and the North-east contingent.

Wow looks fantastic :sunglasses:

The LF1 really is stunning,…that is proper nice.

Oh and I love the pics of Thommo’s car and Shrek together like Opal Fruits :smiley:

Looks like a fantastic day. Great to see so many cars out.

LF1 looks stunning. You’re not thinking of putting a Honda in it are you :slight_smile:

What a great coincidental meet this was. Spent a long weekend in the Lakes with the Lotus Drivers Club and after enjoying over 120 miles of passes and twisty roads on the Saturday it was a great way to finish our weekend by meeting up with some Northern guys and gals on Sunday morning at the museum. Only wished we could have stayed longer but had a 5 hour drive home ahead of us. The LF1 looks … well stunning! Very much in awe.

WOW, great pics guys. The LF1 looks stunning. I don’t know if i’m allowed to say this, but does that S3 look nicer than an S1?!?!

I think you might get into trouble for saying that Sean :wink:
The pics taken on the day do look good though. It is really good that peeps are able to turn up for these meets and enjoy their cars :thumbup: