Northern / Cumbria Meet

I’m child free for the next few Sundays and seeing as we’ve not had a meet for a while, wondered if anyone is up for a meet/food/chat, usual stuff?


Could do the 12th

Well that’s a good start, any more takers?

Great idea. Just thinking about it earlier today. 12th might be goood. Need to check calendar

I will wait to see how I feel on the day.

Yeah! The more the merrier!

:sunglasses: 12th looks good for me at the moment too

So, suggestions for venues?

I’m up for this one, having checked the calendar.
Just for a change, how about the Hartside cafe? Bit rough and ready but loads of bikers etc. And a great road up or down, east or west.

From there we could do a run to Alston etc and location would be good for our NE friends . . .ade_s, Tarmac Terrorist etc . . .

Sounds like a plan!!

Good for me

I’ll text Mr Lawson, see if he fancies a ride out on his new steed…

Time gents?

Gavin, you’re the man on this one . . . Is Hartside ok with you? Time?

Up for that ! Ads we could drive to the meet up in convoy

Hartside would be great, it’s just over an hour to get there from here.

What time suits everyone else?

Very weather dependent venue for this time of year. Hopefully the forecast will be favourable.

Good point,Tim. I’m just a hopeless optimist.
21GG and I will probably be in convoy and it will take us an hour and a half. So we could be there 11/11.30, depending on Gav’s plans.
If forecast is poor for that area the day before we could adjust venue, maybe?

11 - 11.30 sounds good for me. Ads? Mark?

Ok, all still very dependent on how I feel on the day but hope I will be along.

Yeah good for me Gav, Team Valley @ 10am?