Northern / Cumbria Meet

Sorry been busy with my lads birthday. Yes, all sounds good to me!

Good stuff, chaps. Anyone mind if I alert a few Nylocers?

I will post it up on the North East forum

Gav, fancy bringing your GTE? Still not seen it in the flesh?

T’other Gav

Unlikely I can make this, as I am in the Lakes next weekend, and doubt I can get SWMBO to want to go home via a Lotus meet (in the Fiesta), although I will work on it.
Last time I took her to Hartside, you couldnt see across the car park for the mist, let alone the view :confused:

I might try and pop along, won’t be in the LF1 though, it is still SORN until April. :wink:

If the weather looks good, I will pop along.

It’s a great B road blast from Barnard Castle, through Middleton-in-Teesdale, Alston and on to Hartside Cafe.

Great! More the merrier. Must check the weather forecast . . . .

I’m in

Mixed views in every sense

Weather watch

Well, it’s certainly not cordon bleu but thought it might be worth going there just to enjoy the drive.
We cd gather there and go into Alston.
What do others think?

Food is ok, its all homemade just no tablecloths and the wine list is crap :wink:

Hartside Cafe is absolutely fine. No need to head into Alston to try and park.

:laughing: :laughing:


Will you be joining us?

Yeah, brought my car out of hibernation at the weekend and throughly enjoyed it. So long as the weather holds i.e. anything like today, it’s a great B road drive from mine, past Croft, Barnard Castle, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Alston to Hartside Cafe. Will drive past the cafe so I can drive down Hartside pass, turn round at Melmerby, drive back up Hartside pass and join you for brew and something to eat at the cafe.

Lol, I was gonna say if you see me scoot past the cafe, I’ve gone for a blast down to Melmerby and back up before stopping! :slight_smile:

Not perfect but might improve

Might bring another couple of lads over from the NE too, weather depending of course

A bit of rain never hurt anybody!
