North East boys and girls Mini meet Pics and Vid

Very nice t meet Ian and his other half, very nice people

got some great pics and good food…also realised s2 head lights look like HID’s which is awesome …also stock exhaust is all about the supercharger whine!!!..





Where’s Jules car

Where’s Jules car

You keep out of this!!!

Where’s Jules car

You keep out of this!!!

Seriously, Jules, unless you start using the fooking thing, you’ll be doing it no good whatsoever. It’ll just turn into a shiny lump of plastic & aluminium, with mechanical bits of dubious integrity. If you want a static “musuem” piece all well & good, but it’s heading towards needing a suspension/engine stripdown (bushes/seals) if it’s going to get used properly with any confidence.

Its like your quoting the dealer i went to… he said if its not gonne ba driven make sure you at least put a few k on it else engine suffers, oils conjeel and will be harder t sell.

Where’s Jules car

You keep out of this!!!

Seriously, Jules, unless you start using the fooking thing, you’ll be doing it no good whatsoever. It’ll just turn into a shiny lump of plastic & aluminium, with mechanical bits of dubious integrity. If you want a static “musuem” piece all well & good, but it’s heading towards needing a suspension/engine stripdown (bushes/seals) if it’s going to get used properly with any confidence.

Dont worry Pesky, it gets a ride out every weekend, maybe not hundreds of miles but enough to get its juices flowing!

Dont worry Pesky, it gets a ride out every weekend,

On the back of a covered trailer

Dont worry Pesky, it gets a ride out every weekend,

On the back of a covered trailer

Oh how we laughed!!!

Hey Big Peaches, whats going on on Seloc?

Bit of unseasonal banter by the sound of it?

Dont worry Pesky, it gets a ride out every weekend, maybe not hundreds of miles but enough to get its juices flowing!

Short trips are just as damaging.

Any plans to be in the NW in the New Year, Jules? Would be good to see ya again

Any plans to be in the NW in the New Year, Jules? Would be good to see ya again

Im actually due to be at the Reebok on Tuesday 29 January, not sure who Bolton are playing yet though, maybe see you then?

Hi Lads

Sorry I didn’t make it yesterday, pictures look good! Maybe next time when the weather is a bit better and I am not hung over!!!

and yes Jules get the car used, I have never seen it other than in your garage

Right, i’ll show you lot…lol!

And yes, next meet, how about joining up with the Ferrari lads again at The Badger this time, think its the second Sunday of every month???

Anything planned for Croft this year does anyone know???

Im actually due to be at the Reebok on Tuesday 29 January, not sure who Bolton are playing yet though, maybe see you then?


Does that mean you’ll travel down the day before? If so, we could go for a curry (or whatever) with Russ, & of course, anyone else who fancies a night out.

Im actually due to be at the Reebok on Tuesday 29 January, not sure who Bolton are playing yet though, maybe see you then?


Does that mean you’ll travel down the day before? If so, we could go for a curry (or whatever) with Russ, & of course, anyone else who fancies a night out.

Hi Pesky,

Not usually but if a curry is on offer i’ll come down on Monday and stay at the nearby Premier Inn!



Great stuff - evening of 28th Jan now in my diary


Great stuff - evening of 28th Jan now in my diary

See you then!

Great to meet you Gary…

Love the vids…

Hopefully we can make the north east meets a regular thing as the weather improves…

Great to meet you Gary…

Love the vids…

Hopefully we can make the north east meets a regular thing as the weather improves…

What sort of vids might that be…???

‘Members’ only lol