North East boys and girls Mini meet Pics and Vid

Did someone mention curry! Keep me in the loop.
Cheers Gav


Suggest we meet in “Scotts Bar” (adjacent to Reebok/Arena roundabout) @ 7pm.


PS Are you sure that Lesley will have let you off decorating duty by then?

Cool se ya then. I dont ‘do’ decorating thats totlly her department!
Wiring, building, plumbing, flooring…is a different matter!

Hi Gav,

Great that you’re coming along, I think the last time we met you were looking at some interesting ‘stuff’ in the pit lane at the BTCC at Croft, or was it Oulton Park???

Oulton Park mate, yea it will be good to catch up!

Premier Inn booked, see you all on 29th!

Premier Inn booked, see you all on 29th!

hope it’s a twin, after what you did to me last time in the double bed!

hope it’s a twin, after what you did to me last time in the double bed!

Let me guess - he made you read his exige brochures to get you “hot”, then flashed his Rolex* at you!


  • or was it bollex?

Sold the Rolex so will have to wear the Emergency in case I get lost in the wastelands of Bolton!!!

…in case I get lost in the wastelands of Bolton!!!

Don’t worry, plans are well advanced…

…in case I get lost in the wastelands of Bolton!!!

Don’t worry, plans are well advanced…

Oh feck, can i back out NOW!

hope it’s a twin, after what you did to me last time in the double bed!

Let me guess - he made you read his exige brochures to get you “hot”, then flashed his Rolex* at you!


  • or was it bollex?

ha ha, He talked to me all night about exiges, it was perfect,we used the exige brochures as placemats and settled down to a romantic meal!

sometimes this forum realy scares me

He is the gay one, not me…I mean he drives a 340R…!!!

ha ha, He talked to me all night about exiges, it was perfect,we used the exige brochures as placemats and settled down to a romantic meal!

Anyway does anyone really think i’d use my precious Exige brochures as place mats???

[Anyway does anyone really think i’d use my precious Exige brochures as place mats???

you have laminated copies for that don’t you?

[Anyway does anyone really think i’d use my precious Exige brochures as place mats???

you have laminated copies for that don’t you?

For WHAT…oh I see, you mean for table mats, I thought you meant…

[Anyway does anyone really think i’d use my precious Exige brochures as place mats???

you have laminated copies for that don’t you?

For WHAT…oh I see, you mean for table mats, I thought you meant…

sometimes this forum really really scares me

ah ha ha ha, what have I started! sticky place mats and all!