No Brit GP next year?

This may be a clue to what has/is/will be going on :wink:

Details from the prospectus of the failed Bond Issue

Blody hell what a cock-up. I think the bloke seriously needs a new calculator if he has got his sums that wrong! Amazing really!!

I wonder how long it will be before the rack is usable again for us track day goers???

I bet its ages!

From what I can gather, not much of tarmac is “damaged”, & the important buildings are still intact. So, theoretically, all could be back in place with a few tonnes of grassplanted on the muddy bits!!!

However, it will all depend upon who will hold the operating lease in future, & how much dosh they want to throw at it!

Very, very sad, but fingers crossed that the circuit we all love comes back better than before.

Don’t you think Wheatcroft would be interested in running it?

I think Palmer would want to own it, so I guess he is out.

The Fat Lady is definately singing now…

:frowning: Gutted