No Brit GP next year?

Becoming farcial imho Donington gets new deadline extension

I haven’t heard any more but it’s not looking good is it… :frowning:


No Brit GP in 2010.

In the meantime BE buys circuit from the Wheatcrofts, & develops it as he feels fit for GP. Both are happy with that - Wheatcroft has legacy of bringing (& keeping) Brit GP to Donington,as well as getting a fistful dollars, & BE can stick 2 more fingers up at Silverstone & the BRDC (the latter keeping MotoGP).

2011 onwards = Brit GP at Donington.

Mr Gillett shortly dissappears in a puff of smoke.

Sounds doable. Do you reckon Wheatcroft would sell?

Don’t know Sean. I believe he’s very matey with BE - neither are idiots, & like (!!!) to be in control… Accordingly, I find it very strange that they “signed up” with Gillett (needing to raise finance) without having a masterplan.

I just hope that the circuit gets finished, & opens asap - but wonder what the future cost of trackdays will be.

And so the saga continues


It would of been good for Donny and the local communities but i don’t know where all the hotels are that would be needed.

Maybe they looked as Gillett as the mug who gets to pay for it all? Get him in, make him pay, then take the GP away on a technicality, Gillett goes bump, Donno is all developed and mint, wheatcroft and BE walk off into the sunset holding hands???

Waverunner’s link won’t open for me, but I imagine this is the content:

The 14 day extension which is not an “extension”, just the requisite legal notice for “a breach of contact to be remedied”

Daily Telegraph sports pages uploaded this morning

This caught my eye…

Silverstone, which has hosted the race continuously since 1987, will now be counting down the days until Oct 26. Damon Hill, the president of the British Racing Drivers� Club, who own the Northamptonshire circuit, has repeatedly stated he is ready and willing to negotiate a new deal.

However, he insists the BRDC would only be willing to accept a long-term contract that would enable it to raise the investment needed for Silverstone�s own refurbishment.

Ecclestone may be prepared to offer that. Asked what would happen if Donington failed to remedy their breach of contract, he said: �Silverstone will have the opportunity of exactly the same contract as Donington.�

Asked if that meant a 17-year contract, Ecclestone replied: �Yes.�

No names, no pack drill but I’ve known Tom quite well for a number of years and had a lengthy converstaion with someone who is VERY close to Tom not so long ago.

Tom is now old and frail and rarely leaves the house but he is within an ace of achieving the best outcome for his lifetime’s efforts - the BGP at Donington for the long term. His business interests are now very much in the hands of son, Kevin. Kevin is less passionate about the circuit (although he is still very much a supporter of his father’s goals, but I think he WOULD sell if the outcome was the right one, e.g something like the speculation on this thread.)

Certainly he told me this about Gillett (in a private converstaion)and his bid to run the GP (Heavily paraphrased)…“I don’t think he’ll manage it and anyway why should I worry - he has just paid me �xxm for six months rent”.(I know the number but feel it would unethical to disclose it)

I deduce that Kevin is not a fan of Mr Gillette and I’m sure the speculation tha he (Gillette) will be the fall guy is about spot on… He really wanted to do this but tried too soon before he had all his ducks in a row and is consequently being shafted from all directions. Harsh but true. Maybe someone will still rescue him.

Damon Hill will push for a better deal over a longer term at Silvertsone and for once, if Ecclestone really does want there to be a British GP next year, he (Ecclestone) may have to pay… I’m sure the BRDC are capable of playing hard to get now that things hve developed this way.

BTW, just had surgey on both knees today so I’ll probably be idle for a few days and may be able to do some digging.

Personally, I’d like to see the rescue and the GP go to Donington if for no other reason than to reward Tom for being such a great bloke with such a passion and the will to get things done. Ten years too late unfortunately…I’m sure Donington will survive as a race and track day circuit, whatever happens to the GP.

Hope the op recovery goes well Mike - knowing you, you’ll be dashing about very soon! :wink:

By the way, did you make any progress with the subject we discussed a few weeks ago?

Yes and no. I spoke to him and we agreed that something ought to be done. I offered my services and left itat that. He hasn’t come back to me yet but I’ll remind him in the not too distant future. Factory based seems to be the preference.

Cheers Mike. Give him a prod…you’re good at doing that, & getting a result :wink:

Is ownership the only issue to be considered. I thought that Gilette had a 3 digit lease term on the site and so if the masterplan was for BE to take over, he had to be bought out or shunted into the long grass. Giving him the British GP might have been the easiest way hoping or knowing that he would never raise the finance and get into such financial difficulties in trying that he has to give up the lease for BE to pick up…

Yes Steve, All of that is true, (the lease was for 150 years, I think) however the lease probably has some protection for the Wheatcrofts in that default on rental payments against the lease would result in repossesion or something like that.

Wonder what will happen to Donny now - will JP move in on the spoils?

Don’t forget that the Whetacrofts still ‘own’ Donington. They’ll probably either find a new leaseholdr or pick it up themselves perhaps. I don’t really care what happens so long as Donington stays on the map as a racing venue. Some tarmac has been lifted so some re-instatement will be required.

I doubt that the Compeitition Commision would like Mr Palmer to take it on. They had a look at the situation when Octagon owned everything (including Silverstone) in the early 00s and I’m sure thay’d have to have another look. (Plenty more on that subject HERE - COMPETITION COMMISSION - if you are looking for a long (but sometimes interesting read. A further search on the site woud find the much much longer full report!

Thanks Mike, proper insight instead of my uninformed idle speculation.

Like you I just want to see Donington reinstated and be there in 2010 attending race meets and pounding down Craner’s on trackdays.