New Wheels

FYI - just chatting to my mate who is having these wheels made. They are an Aluminium Corsa wheel of a new multispoke design. He is emailing me some piccies soon and I will post them up as soon as I get them. Only truble is they won’t be available untill February.

Price looks to be about �600 or �950 as a package with Yoko 48’s fitted.

If anyone wants to know more then give Richard Wos a call on: 01296 747722.

Wow! Nice one, will defo be interested! Will these be lighter than the rimstocks?

If anyone wants to know more then give Richard Wos a call on: 01296 747722.

Jonathan’s brother, per chance?

That sounds a damn good price, even excluding VAT, which I presume it is?

Definately very interested in the wheels but any chance of a picture/idea on what they they will look like.

Will post up a picture as soon as I have one. I’m certainly going to have a set shod with 48’s.


Will they be the “LTS” 48s?


Yup, they will be LTS.

Picture of the wheels as promissed…

Mmmm nice… 4 stud pattern I assume

Those wheels look good. Being lasy are they likely to come in black so I don’t have to clean the brake dust of them.

Those wheels look good. Being lasy are they likely to come in black so I don’t have to clean the brake dust of them.


I strongly recommend that you keep the wheels as free of brake dust as possible - it is corrosive & will “pit” them.



I strongly recommend that you keep the wheels as free of brake dust as possible - it is corrosive & will “pit” them. [/quote]

Well you learn a new thing every day looks like this years new years resolution is to clean the car more often

Not too bad eh?


Any word on weight Randy (with/without 48s would be handy)?

What about VAT?

I assume this is exact S1 offsets/sizes/nut seats/etc?

Available colours?

Questions, questions, questions, sorry.

Cheers, Ian

More importantly… weight?

I will give you some answers when I know them. Price will be �575 - �600 +vat for 4 wheels or about �900 +VAT including LTS branded tyres, mounted and balanced.

I would guess the weight will be similar to Rimstocks but I don’t have any exact figures.

Very interested in these, could they be done in black and would we get a proper invoice so I could (cough) claim the VAT back.

Mark,any chance with your photoshop skills you could switch the wheels to black in your photo.

No worries, just a “quick and dirty” approch


But this pic just illustrates to me that there’s “too much” colour on the side behind the “cockpit”…

Cheers Mark

Think I actually prefer the silver, I agree about the colour on the side with the black ones.

No worries, just a “quick and dirty” approch

Hey, it’s not a bad effort, you appear to even have shadow on the wheel in the front wheel arch - nice touch!
