New meet for the northern chapter

How about an informal gathering 14th Aug at the Filling Station at Keswick?? Sorry I cannot do sat 13th as my sister has decided to be 60 years old that day :open_mouth:

Any takers? Sherman will be in attendance for $hits and giggles, plus his usual form of entertainment…

I should be able to make it Tim :thumbup:

I will have a jaunt over weather depending.

Good with me Tim

We’ll be there too.

In spirit anyway :smiley:

Regards to everyone.

Rob & Ying

Thanks Rob. I do hope you and Ying can make an appearance over here sometime in the future. Very best wishes meantime.

OK might be able to make this, just waiting for some new tyres as my rear are a bit iffy *



  • showing the canvas.

Bit of black paint over the canvas. sorted :wink:

Slight problem . . .would love to have come but I’ll be otherwise engaged . . .riding Land’s End to John O’Groats so on 14th will be on Day 4 of the ride in Monmouth (probably nursing a thick head after celebrating a tough day’s ride from Taunton). I know, I should know better at my age. :unamused:

Have a great trip Steve

Remember to take that soothing rimwax with you :laughing: but not for polishing the bike wheels :wink:

Seriously though Steve full credit to you for taking on the challenge :clap:

Good luck Thommo

Yup I’ll second that!

You raising money for charity? I’m sure we’ll pitch in if you’ve got a JustGiving page or summat!

Good luck Thommo - brilliant thing to be doing :clap:

Is this a cycling club event, or just yourself (& mates?)?

I will try and make Sunday. Good luck with the bike ride.
Pete, I see your ex LF1 has been sold:

Enjoy yourself Steve and remember to keep well hydrated in the evenings :wink:

Hi Paul

Well spotted, I hope the new owner enjoys it as much as I did.
I did manage to clock up 8500 miles in it :smiley:. I must admit I really enjoyed the factory tour,Classic Team Lotus tour and the Enstone tour that came as part of the LF1 package.

Hope to see you at the Sunday meet. :thumbup:

Good luck Thommo. On my bucket list but don’t fancy doing it with nights in tents.
Do you have a proper bed sorted each night?

Didn’t know you had a motorbike Thommo. :slight_smile:

Thanks one and all for your good wishes.

And Ben, after asking for backing on a previous efforts and been handsomely supported, I felt a bit embarrassed about doing it again and decided not to put up a JustGiving page - but my ride partner has.
If it’s ok with everyone I’ll post up the link when I can find it.If you feel able to make a donation - it’s for Parkinson’s Disease research as a friend of ours has just been diagnosed as a sufferer - we’d be very grateful.

And now I’m on Facebook :blush: I’ll try to post up reports and pics of our progress on the exiges FB page if I can find it . . .

Thanks again everyone. :clap:

You could do it with your eyes closed.

My pal and I are doing it, supported by our wives. They plan to wave us off each day and tour National Trust properties/ shops etc en route. Hopefully they will be within calling distance if we hit trouble. They’ve got the spare tyres and most of the inner tubes.All B&Bs booked ahead. Going via Isle of Arran to add interest. Fourteen day ride with one rest day.
Did it in 2002 with full panniers, so travelling light this time