New meet for the northern chapter

It didn’t take long . . .
My mate Wayne has written a lovely piece to encourage support so here is the link: Wayne Stephens is fundraising for Parkinson’s UK

Thanks in advance, I know you’ll be generous.

My pal and I are doing it, supported by our wives…They’ve got the spare tyres and most of the inner tubes.

Hope they read your complimentary remarks! :smiley:

Who said romance is dead!


And, having hijacked Tim’s topic, I’ll start a separate one for the Just Giving link

Yes the new owner is called Andy. He was wanting to find the original owner of the car, so pointed him to this forum and also the lotus forums.

Mew tyres going on today, so what time we meeting?


Lets aim for 1030 - 11 approx.?

good for me.

Is the meeting place the cafe opposite the Pheasant Inn? Parking behind the cafe?

Yes, that’s the one :slight_smile:

See you Sunday guys. If its sunny I will give the Elise an outing.

See you Sunday

Nice to catch up with everyone this morning

Couple of photos

Great stuff… Glad it all worked out. Sorry I couldn;t be there.

Thanks for organising Tim, the little man enjoyed his first long jaunt in the car. Pete your car looked and sounded fab :slight_smile:

Yeah thanks for organising Tim :thumbup:

I appreciate your favourable comments about the Sport 350 Mark. I think Lucas enjoyed his trip out with his Dad :slight_smile:
He had a big grin on his face when he pressed the starter button :wink: