New meet for the northern chapter October 2016

I know one or two folks may be putting their car on SORN soon for the winter, so how about an autumn meet this month at Keswick?

For a change, we could park in the (very large) Lakes car park, and meet for a bit & coffee in the new lakeside café which is a short stroll from the car park, and just beyond the Theatre by the Lake?

I could do any day or time, so what best suits the collective?

Say either 8th or 9th, or 15th or 16th?

Sounds good Tim :sunglasses:
I won’t be able to attend on 15th or 16th though. The weekend before or after would be suit though :smiley:

Can do 9th or 16th at the mo . . .Also, 23rd . . . Saturdays out for me as still working

Cant do the 8th or 9th as away for the weekend, doing a trackday (afternoon) at Knockhill on the 15th and away again on the 16th, so earliest for me would be 22nd / 23rd

23Rd is ok for me.


Ok, lets go for Sunday 23rd, as that seems to suit all who have posted so far. Fingers crossed for some reasonable weather.

Sunday 23rd good for me Tim

Great stuff, Will text Jabbs and Ted in case they’ve not seen this and fancy a run up

Ok, I should ad we should aim to meet 1030 to 1100 in the car park.

Sorry guys, can’t make it, unfortunately I will be working. Hope you have a good day.

Shame, Jabbs. How about Ted?

Looking forward to this, probably last run out before the car gets tucked away for the winter. :frowning:

Are we still on for this? Not checked the weather but we definitely need and end of season review with a bacon butty.

Yes, all good to go Steve.

Good-oh! GG21 should be onside, too.

Yep Im still good for a run!

Weather looks pretty good.

Good for me too. :slight_smile:

See you tomorrow, hope the weather is as good as it was today :smiley:
