new lotus europa

That M250 really is nice. I really can’t understand why Lotus don’t just make the damn thing

Not seen the M250 interior before, but that is stunning.

If Lotus can come up with such wonderful designs that are guaranteed sellers, why can’t they just produce them.

See what happens when a car company produces something which required a little more effort than the bland Euro boxes like when the Audi TT, RX8 and 350Z were introduced. Everyone in their target market wanted them.

That M250 really is nice. I really can’t understand why Lotus don’t just make the damn thing

I seem to recall the offical line was that it wasn’t US legal, mixed with money troubles.

The US point has some credibility seeing as the M250 looks so much better (in pics) than the new Europa, I’d like to think that if they could they’d have just made the M250 instead.


But Ian, the Europa isn’t going to the USA so no excuse for not building the M250 on that count. My letter from the MD said that it (M250) wasn’t suitable for a world market as a car costing �45k and having no boot! Rumour has it that they had some 2000 deposits. 2000 cars is a BIG production run for Hethel… HTDARIH

My letter from the MD said that it (M250) wasn’t suitable for a world market as a car costing �45k and having no boot!

I thought I had some press blurb that actually showed/stated that you cold get a full set of golf clubs in?

Yes Steve, two sets in fact, but behind the seats in the cabin only… no room in the back [image][/image]

But Ian, the Europa isn’t going to the USA…

Really? I thought it was the only thing they were thinking about these days.


Ha! all thats needed is some black tape - what an improvement


…and whats wrong with this then?

(apart from the obvious lack of Paint shop pro abilities!!!)


Dear Lotus - are you sure you dont need a totally inexperienced designer to help out 1 day/week???

Sorry still looks utter shite.
The Celica has done it much better ages ago.

If they could just join the windscreen and the roof properly it could look so much bettter.

granted the car may not be to “our” liking but the go ahead for this car from Lotus surely relates to the same reason why the M250 DIDN’T take off…commercial viablity. in the end, lotus like all manufacturers is there to make money, and power to them for that if they can expand their market beyond a hardcore niche. there must be planty of sports car aspirants out there who would love lotus pedigree with some practicality who like myself (and many of you) would avoid the stigma of owning a Porsche if not only for the sake of individuality. if we were all as hardcore as we thought wouldn’t we be driving 340r’s or caterhams?

Sorry still looks utter shite.
The Celica has done it much better ages ago.


Hi Ang - dont think anyone disagrees with what you are saying other than it just looks crap.

I’m sure they are making it for very good reasons but thats no excuse for bad design is it?

I have never thought anything but good things about any of the range until the new track car was launched - that looks like a Kyosho RC car with a pants Lexan body thrown on to keep the muck off the electrics. If the Europa was a foal the breeder would sell the Dam and Sire for dog meat!

I’m still going to look at it when it arrives later this year but I cant see how it will look any better in the flesh

I’m still going to look at it when it arrives later this year but I cant see how it will look any better in the flesh

Perhaps a “well I’ll eat my hat moment” then


Perhaps a “well I’ll eat my hat moment” then [/quote]

Don’t eat your hat.

You’ll need somewhere to throw up in.

I’m so dejected I have just had a ride over to the new dealer across the road…

I might have to get one of these hats instead


I dont understand the view that Lotus is somehow a different company now. Different to what exactly?

Different to the one that conceived the Elise at 650Kg initially (then they couldn’t meet the target, but they tried). Light is right.

A good read, that Lotus Elise book, and how they tried.

Read > here > a note from Lotus CEO Kim Ogaard-Nielsen about the new Europa.

what is he talking about ??

“aligned” with what ?..

don’t get it… it looks like a roller skate with an RC car body

what is he talking about ??

“aligned” with what ?..

Roxx, as the CEO is talking to the Americans, I think he is referring to the USA having the same model line up as we (will) have with the Europa & Elise/Exige & therefore ‘aligned’.

Good excuse for a better engine in the Europa then. Now if only they could fix the looks too…


ahh haa

cheers Tim