new lotus europa

My posts on NYLOC - rant rant

JamesA wrote:
Rear View looks like a chrysler crossfire

and that being THE most ugly car ever conceived!

Just said the same thing to wah gert b4 I saw your post - what a feckin mess. The side looks ok but what the hell are they thinking of with that back?

Jeesus I feel sick

I am really, really disappointed and want to prize the lotus badges off my current models as I am ashamed to be associated with the brand any more - pig pig pig - shame on you hethel - may your earoles turn to @rseholes and sh1t all down yer neck!!!

Hope you are listening hethel - probably got fingers in ears going la la la la la la etc…

PS - If you are watching Hethel - please crush it before the whole motoring world make us a current owners a laughing stock! You’re going to get bitten hard over this one

Crikey - go and have a look on SELOC - it’s a big thumbs down from your loyal Fan base Hethel, what a huge mistake - I need a drink

Sorry for the passion here guys but I am really upset!

Theres a small chance it could look ok with an after market front bumper and rear clam/bumper or even letting a few Elephants with paint brushes have another go at the whole thing - nasty!

Deary, deary me

Can we start a petition?

I am probably talking bollox as usual, but I imagine they will be dancing at Hethel when they find out that the “enthusiasts” do not like it.

Its not aimed at us, y’see.

I have found a bright side to all this.

Our cars won’t suffer another depreciation hit as everyone dumps elises in favour of the Europa, because no-one will buy this heap of garbage.

Why the surprise?
Isn’t it exactly the same as the renderings published a few months ago?

Like Russ says, not aimed to us.

The way they’re going, I don’t think I’ll ever buy another (newer) Lotus

What amazes me is how modern cars undergo billions of pounds of research (or in Lotus’ case, a few pennies) and manufacturers are surprised when they unveil a car that nobody likes the look of.

I dont know how it is being received elsewhere, but I don’t think hardcore websites like this, SELOC and MLOC, etc are a representative indication - to repeat an earlier post this car is not intended for the current customer base, maybe there are others out there that would see this as an aspirational vehicle and an option to get into the “Lotus lifestyle”.

Give the guys at the factory a break, I’m old enough to remember the clamour for a road going version of the Motorsport Elise from the “hardcore” only to see initial sales of the Exige flop.

… and an option to get into the “Lotus lifestyle”.

Meaning what? if it’s not the trackdays, calling the AA very often? buying lots of brake pads, tyres, and other spares? getting ripped at the dealers for a service?

Or beardy types talking about rusty trunions.

I think it’s a massive cop out. It’s just another Elise but with more padding on the seats and an ugly body. With such a good reception with the M250 why do lotus then go and churn this rubbish out?

I think it’s a massive cop out. It’s just another Elise but with more padding on the seats and an ugly body. With such a good reception with the M250 why do lotus then go and churn this rubbish out?

Can’t dissagree with any of that, mate!

I didn’t realise that the ugly tree had that many branches to hit on the way down!.

It really is a bit of a kick in the teeth for all of us that had money on an M250.

These days Lotus have to justify to it’s master as to who gets to do what, right down to who gets to design the look of the car. So…

  1. ‘Lifestyle’ Lotus must’ve won this one. A softer focus GT with touring capability & good for everyday use. Nowt wrong with that.
  2. ‘Styling’ deffo looks far eastern, it’s shite
  3. ‘Engine’ the accountants won that one surely.What a cop out.The 'feel of it may be ok, but the spec is in the last century.

I’m still hoping is a proton badged version & that Lotus will be along soon with the real one Here’s to hoping


I am probably talking bollox as usual, but I imagine they will be dancing at Hethel when they find out that the “enthusiasts” do not like it.

Its not aimed at us, y’see.

I bet the chaps at Stuttgart and Munich are pissing themselves laughing too much to even dance!

You could be right Russ but style is style - no matter who the car is aimed at it (particularly the back) still looks shite!

Like one of the older wiser ‘reflectors’ on this forum once said - Its good Lotus are catering for a wider audience to bring more money in to develop better cars for enthusiasts - I agree but why waste an opportunity like this to do exactly that - it’s horrid. Sorry guys dont see any Lotus logic in making a car that looks so bad.

Better off making a stunner which always breaks down - like some northern seaside manufacturers seem to get away with

Big article in Autocar 13th Dec featuring 4 pages on the Europa. Interesting to see their comments.

I have to say it really does look better in the flesh…Honest…

I have to say it really does look better in the flesh…Honest…

But that doesn’t mean it looks good though!

Cant say I like it - and to be fair even though its not aimed at hardcore fans, it should at least be aesthetically pleasing (even if it is subjective) and this seems to be where it largely falls down. As Quo says it looks like some one has raided the (Lotus, Vauxhall and Proton) parts bin… Personally, Ive seen better looking kit cars…

Shame really… fingers crossed the new Esprit doesnt disappoint…


The front is just plane ugly…the wheels seemed to be too far in under the arches…its not pretty looking car or an aggressive looking one, so not sure what look Lotus have gone for.It reminds me of a car the Kia or Proton would make if they wanted to make a car like this…I agree that it looks like they have raided the parts bin…I’m sure it will drive brilliantly though.


I just did a poll on another forum I’m a memeber of that is not car related. Out of 20 responses, only 1 was negative. so from the normal joe in the street it gets a big thumbs up. But from us current owners and Lotus heads, it seems to be a thumbs down.

Personally I like it right upto the rear wheel arch, then it seems to go bananas, but I’ll reserve judgement until I see one for real.



But, how many would actually buy one, assuming it’s going to be priced at say between �30K to �40K?

My gut feeling is not many in the UK, but can’t comment about other potential markets eg USA or Far East.

At the end of the day, I do hope it’s a success, so the revenue can be used to develop the sorts of cars we want

I think everyone wants to like it and it seems (me included) we are doing our best to like it but its just looks toilet. Prof/Business owner 36, No Kids, Wah gert has a 4 seater, Lotus fanatic blah blah

I desperately want to like it as I must be the No1 bang on profiled customer for one!!! (hence my frantic rantings).

I have been C**Ting about trying to decide what to get next as a daily driver and would love a nice relaible Lotus badged coupe - now what do I do!! I Just dont know how I could live with that back and really cant see the point in it when an S2 Elise looks so good and must be as equally easy to live with? Potty

Mr Soggster - I can see you trading in the van for a Europa - just think of all that boot space