New Honda Advert on TV

Just watched the new Honda advert - the one where the guy starts off on a Honda Cub and ends up in a hot air ballon - what an excellent ad…also makes me want a Honda engine.

Who can name all the vehicles used in the correct order…

haven’t seen it but look forward to it… i’m a big fan of all the Honda adverts

monkey bike (cub)
honda Quad
s 800
s 2000
power boat that morphs into a balloon!
I think :slight_smile:
first F1 winner
a power bo

Just saw it last night.

My wife liked it…

ad is HERE

ok and guesing at some but here we go
C50/70/90 probably a 50
S 800
GP bike?
F1 (first winner for H)
New F1
A fast boat
Didn`t know Honda made baloons but I guess they they could ,being the most prolific engine builder in the world.
I have had the privlige of an Integra type R( they should have included that) S2000 and NSX in previous cars ,sadly all gone now.Better than Porsche or Ferrari any day in my opinion.But best is a K series Exige for me.Ragged and grumbling,LOVE IT !

Thanks Steve

just saw it tonight…

that’d make me want a Honda

superb… as ever.

Who can name all the vehicles used in the correct order…

Answer Power of Dreams

Answer > Power of Dreams >

Brilliant - thanks Rox

He must have got keyless entry…otherwise the balloon wouldn’t have got off the ground


I have a little VFR400 NC30 and my bro has Frame No1 1989 RC30 minty time and a Honda CR250. We have tried all the others but have always gone back to Hondas.

As far as bike engineering is concerned the kit is second to none - In my opinion anyway.

Just wish they made an interesting car for everyday use (not FWD as well - and no I cant afford an NSX)

Trying to get our gert to swap the Jag for a spicy accord when its time to change

Cool ad saw it on the goggle box last night.

I’m gonna have to say the new humming one is utter sh*te, the best advert ever is the guiness evolution one!

Nyarg !!! How annoying and smug is that advert ?!?

Nyarg !!! How annoying and smug is that advert ?!?

certainly not targeted at anyone under 40.

More your Radio 4 silver surfer crowd etc…

Nyarg !!! How annoying and smug is that advert ?!?

certainly not targeted at anyone under 40.

More your Radio 4 silver surfer crowd etc…

Good point, werent Honda supposed to be trying to attract younger buyers?

It’s not bad, I personally prefered the old one to be honest…‘Can hate be good? Can hate be great?’ and always had a whistle and a sing-along to it. Use to get quite upest if the missus turned it over while channel hoping in the adverts!!!

The one that makes me laugh at the minute though is the end of the ‘Tango Clear’ advert, where the woman is being slapped around the back of the legs with a mackerel by a penguin…Oh man, I cant even begin to tell you how funny that is!!!

It’s not bad, I personally prefered the old one to be honest…‘Can hate be good? Can hate be great?’ and always had a whistle and a sing-along to it. Use to get quite upest if the missus turned it over while channel hoping in the adverts!!!

The one that makes me laugh at the minute though is the end of the ‘Tango Clear’ advert, where the woman is being slapped around the back of the legs with a mackerel by a penguin…Oh man, I cant even begin to tell you how funny that is!!!

The funniest advert ive sreen is the one trying to get fans to go to The Staduim of Shite, as if!

Sorry mate, I dont follow the footie…Unlike every other nutter up here…But then Im not born and bred

The idea of 22 men running around a feild, kicking a ball and kissing each other doen’t appeal to me in any way shape or form. Stick a gun in one hand and a fishing rod in the other and I’m a happy man.

Sorry mate, I dont follow the footie…Unlike every other nutter up here…But then Im not born and bred

The idea of 22 men running around a feild, kicking a ball and kissing each other doen’t appeal to me in any way shape or form. Stick a gun in one hand and a fishing rod in the other and I’m a happy man.

What? You go around shooting fishermen instead???