New here and Thinking about getting a lotus

(ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

Are you on drugs?

too much aspirin methinks…

Is the Exige available in Canada? I didn’t think it was given approval

No - just the S2 'Yota Elise. Doubt the Canadians would allow it considering they had a bigger problem with the Elise than we did.

Additionally, NA isn’t getting any more cars from Lotus for 2006 (aside from the Sports Elise and Sport Exige).

No - just the S2 'Yota Elise. Doubt the Canadians would allow it considering they had a bigger problem with the Elise than we did.

Additionally, NA isn’t getting any more cars from Lotus for 2006 (aside from the Sports Elise and Sport Exige).

Strange… Im gonna get back with the dealer…

Strange… Im gonna get back with the dealer…

I doubt they’ve explored it fully - you should check elisetalk for what some of the other Canadians have said regarding their dealers setting unrealistic expectations.

What Lotus said.

It might make it there, but I wouldn’t count on it for 2006 - AFAIK, the last cars have been ordered. If it happens in 2007, it’ll be with the yet unknown updates as the bumper/headlight waiver is about to expire.

Of course, this isn’t to say you couldn’t get one in from the States as it’s technically classified as an Elise variant here. No idea what’s involved there.

Here�s something I�ve always wondered, why the animosity towards the French, I love the French (yes really), and France is easily one of the most beautiful countries in Europe (just next to Italy me thinks).

Fun, tradition, a dislike of arrogance, history, they’re our neighbours, etc.

As individuals I have almost always found the French very pleasant. But put them in large groups and they start wanting the rest of Europe to pay all their farmers, give them jobs for life, buy their food but not be sold to, teach us all how to cook, etc

Or is it similar to the whole S1 � S2 scenario (ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

Now Daivd, I expected better from you! Do the analysis of the S1 and S2 and tell me why an S1 owner would want to spend �10k to get an S2? If you bought your Exige for the performance an S2 simply doesn’t offer an increase over the S1.


(ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

Are you on drugs?

too much aspirin methinks…

Most likely a Benylin overdose

For the record, I think the S2 looks very good.
I would have one in a heartbeat if:

-they were lighter, say 750Kg minimum (because my S1 is 766 with all fluids and 22 L fuel in it)
-they had more power, say at least 230 BHP NA (because my S1 is putting out about 220 horsies)
-I had some spare cash (because I already have a toy car, having two would require excess cash available)

Ok, so the S2 may not be any quicker than the S1 in a straight line, but as is constantly said here, it�s the handling that really counts, now as I have said before whatever I say is purely based on what I read, and in that respect the S2 comes out on top, the S1 has �much less mechanical grip than the awesomely composed S2� (EVO issue 78).

And if you look at running costs, and the relatively small premium that the S2 commands over the S1 (used), the S2 also makes sense from a fiscal perspective.

I�d like to know what someone who has owned both cars thinks, anyone ?

And by the by:

Or is it similar to the whole S1 � S2 scenario (ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

Was my poor attempt at wit


The only reason I can see why EVO would write that is because the S1 they tried was not setup correctly and was probably on A039 tyres.
But nobody here runs those tyres anymore.

Also, bear in mind that downfoce (if you get to speeds that high) is more on the S1. Still not much, but double what the S2 has

But an S2 project would probably be tempting, a slightly damaged S2, depreciated, to build as a racecar, completely stripped, hmmmm…

Ok, so the S2 may not be any quicker than the S1 in a straight line, but as is constantly said here, it�s the handling that really counts, now as I have said before whatever I say is purely based on what I read, and in that respect the S2 comes out on top, the S1 has �much less mechanical grip than the awesomely composed S2� (EVO issue 78).

I took Mr TarmacTerrorist out at Donny. He told me my S1 turned in better at turn 1, had less understeer and I could carry more speed through Craners. He’s now getting his suspension ‘done’. The S2 maybe easier to drive but that doesn’t make it better in this context.

And I’d want an S2 because?

Oh and your first point is wrong, the S2 is faster in a straight line, because downforce is less.

I think most agree, std S1 better on track, std S2 better on the road. You takes yer pick.


Oh and your first point is wrong, the S2 is faster in a straight line, because down force is less.

I was talking 0-60 and 0-100, top speed is pretty irrelevant, there�s only about 10mph in it anyway .

I think most agree, std S1 better on track, std S2 better on the road.

So which gives the best of both ?


PS. I�m sure you love you S1 dearly and I am by no means �slagging� your car off, or criticizing the S1 in anyway. That said, I�d still go for an S2

Having read EVO over several years, but much less so now, I can only say that they are not the best source of information to quote as a definitive guide, indeed some of the journalism is actually pI$$ poor now…


I’ve had both… the first S2 Exige didn’t last long as the NA engine performance was difficult to get the best out of and the 240R came along… after a while thinking and taking into account all the bits it has as standard and the extra power, it seemed ideal.

As for why the S1 went… well I had some issues with the engine (I know all those can be resolved or replaced at a cost) and I struggle to get time for track work so a car that I can drive to Spa in head off to the Ring and back in less than three full days in the summer, carry luggage, not cook inside and hear a stereo for the motor drudge… had to be an S2… and I’m really happy with the choice…

Maybe I’m just getting old and soft…

Ok, so the S2 may not be any quicker than the S1 in a straight line, but as is constantly said here, it�s the handling that really counts, now as I have said before whatever I say is purely based on what I read, and in that respect the S2 comes out on top, the S1 has �much less mechanical grip than the awesomely composed S2� (EVO issue 78).


  1. Most S1 owners bought their cars predominantly for use on track, & hence are not interested in the “little luxuries” which have been added to the S2. They have also invested a lot of time, money & effort in “tweaking” their cars, so that they perform as they were meant to on track. If they were to change their cars, they would still want a car that was first & foremost, track orientated. Out of a total production of about 600, only around 275 were registered in the UK. Whilst setting the car up for track use, can compromise some road driving niceties, it most certainly does not prevent road use or touring. (eg My own car has covered 52K miles in 5 years, including 5 trips to Le Mans of around 1200 miles a go).

  2. Most S2 owners have bought their cars for predominantly road use. (Many of those who are indeed track regulars, are posters on, but they represent only a small minority of S2 owners). The S2 is definately a more pleasant drive around town/on long road journeys, than the factory S1 Exige. However, for the typical S1 owner (as described above), with a sorted car, there is absolutely no reason to change to an S2, either from a performance or a financial point of view.

3.I have driven a variety of S1s & S2s, both on road & track, so feel qualified to comment.

  1. Aesthetics also play a part - some people prefer the looks of the S2, others don’t, but that doesn’t help with the “which is better?” question.

  2. Which is better? The answer entirely depends upon who is asking, & who is responding! Both models are fabulous driving machines. Each individual potential owner must seriously ask themselves what they want the car for, & how much are they prepared to spend. So far, there have always been a couple of S1s up for grabs at any one time, but those have tended to be “standard”, rather than those upon which their owners have spent time & dosh setting up for on track use. However, this will change over the next couple of years or so, & the choice will more or less be restricted to S2s (or S3s!). Why? Because there is a finite number of S1s, & those which are “sorted”, will very rarely be sold by their owners.

Hope that helps

Keep saving - we all look forward to day when you announce “I’ve got one!”

…top speed is pretty irrelevant…

Ok, we can agree on that.

So which gives the best of both ?

Exige S undoubtedly. Even knowing what I know now I might plump for one should something ever happen to my car [a few deep breaths required before continuing…].

S1 owners only joke with S2 owners because they wanted the S2 to be more of an S1 than the S1, it’s not, it’s different.


they wanted the S2 to be more of an S1 than the S1, it’s not, it’s different

Thanks for clarifying that one�

My 2p…

I’ve owned an S1 Exige for 3 & a bit years, & then switched to a 111R. Why? Most of my driving is on the road, I love to go on track but 1. its expensive & 2. they’re all a long way from cumbria.

The 111R offers the straight line performance of a ‘sorted’ S1, better top end, & reliability (except for one time ). Oh, & a few very welcome comforts for an ageing fart like me.

OTOH the S1 pulls the pants down on the S2 on track. In this respect the S2 is special, but the S1 is sublime. So drive the S2 to the track, & drive the S1 when you get there


So drive the S2 to the track, & drive the S1 when you get there


after its been unloaded from the recovery truck!

…& 2. they’re all a long way from cumbria.

So we have it worse then up here, but still drive to trackdays

So we have it worse then up here, but still drive to trackdays

You guys are brilliant, no bullshit. The support for trackdays from the “Scottish Clan” has been magnificent, right from the very start in 2001. You do have to go the “extra mile” to meet up with the rest of us, & you have made the effort each year. It is especially gratifying to not only see “the regulars/old buddies”, but also the S2 owners who want to use their cars as intended. Well done chaps, you all make a great contribution to “all things exige” ie this forum, trackdays & meets generally

PS I know I keep asking, but for fook’s sake, please let us have our goalposts back

PPS There are of course many exigers from throughout England who also make the effort to attend the get togethers - you are also top blokes, without whom this community would be only a shadow of what it is in reality