New here and Thinking about getting a lotus


Im new here. Recently, while I was looking what cars were up for sale on ebay(US), I came accross lotus cars. I had known that brand for playing a lot of video games with them on it (Mind you im 18 and since I live in Canada grand touring cups are not common at all).

At first I liked how the elise looked. But the more I kept looking at them I found they look a little bit girly. The specs are still awesome. But it all enlightened when I saw an Exige.

It looks awesome. So awesome that I want to buy one. Judging by how those cars are rare in Canada, It’d be almost impossible to drive one before I purchase one. It has everything I look in a car : Awesome Handling and very good acceleration.

I have a few questions before I might pull de trigger (there is 1 lotus dealer in Montreal, John Scotti, so I will have to order from him i guess…).

Right now I have a 2006 Mazda 3 sport Hatchback GT. This is my first car, it drives well, but since its automatic I’m not feeling im getting a real sportive driving experience, even using the semi-automatic mode.

I know the S2 Exige is good for tracks, but let’s say im the kind of guy who likes to do street races and pump up the musics in downtown streets.

Is the Exige handling really good (when you do street speeding) ? (i guess its an easy one)

Is the sound system good and where are the speakers located?

Is manual the only way that the transmission is (not that this is a problem, but there is a lot of traffic in montreal)?

Is the ignition by a button (I would love if it was)?

Do you recommend the Super Touring pack ( I want at least the Touring pack)?

Thank you very much for your time.


I know the S2 Exige is good for tracks, but let’s say im the kind of guy who likes to do street races and pump up the musics in downtown streets.

Is the Exige handling really good (when you do street speeding) ? (i guess its an easy one)

Is the sound system good and where are the speakers located?

Is manual the only way that the transmission is (not that this is a problem, but there is a lot of traffic in montreal)?

Is the ignition by a button (I would love if it was)?

Do you recommend the Super Touring pack ( I want at least the Touring pack)?

Hi Mate

Welcome hope you find lots of usefull info on here. You will prbs get a fare bit of stick for what you have said above though. Then again that is probs the same thinking of all you s2 owners

The big fat S3 Exige with a new chassis etc can’t come soon enough to unite us against a common foe!!!

As an S2 Owner… will out handle any ‘road car’ (even as S1 Exige ) but I think you’ll find that you will never get a thumping stereo in there… 4 small speakers in a coke can is never going to sound great…

Ben, I’m sorry to say that if you get your hands on an Exige, you’re very likely to be unhappy.

Although on the right hands its handling is flattering, it’s non intuitive for the average driver (for example: driving into a corner too fast? lift off the throttle? wrong! instant spin!). In that sense it’s not an “easy” car to drive.
The S2 is “easier” than the S1, and The Elise is “easier” than the Exige, but even the Elise has been wrapped around poles frequently by new drivers.

Also, it’s not good for posing or cruising.
It doesn’t have much grunt and it’s difficult to drift on.
Also, the windows are very small and people can’t really see you.

Like mentioned, the stereo is crappy at best, will never sound good and you’ll never get thumping bass out of that little cabin.

The car is for quick and pure driving, no posing. The S1 even more.
Girls don’t really like the high sill and their stilettos will make life very difficult (they’ll also scratch your bare aluminum insides).

But the fact that at 18 you’re considering buying a new Exige tells me you’re either loaded or fantasizing. Either way, get something you won’t be so sorry writing off, do many trackdays on that, get used to a mid engined car’s handling, get the cruising part of the deal out of your system and then buy an Exige.

You lot sure know how to make a guy feel welcome

But in all honesty Ben I�d say the Exige probably isn�t for you:

im the kind of guy who likes to do street races and pump up the musics in downtown streets.

But it�s still nice to see that the car is gaining recognition the other side of the Atlantic. But I have to ask, how can you afford to buy an Exige at 18 !

Still, there is a chance that the Exige may convert you, so don�t be put off from �pullin de trigger� because of what we have said.


You lot sure know how to make a guy feel welcome

But in all honesty Ben I�d say the Exige probably isn�t for you:

But it�s still nice to see that the car is gaining recognition the other side of the Atlantic. But I have to ask, how can you afford to buy an Exige at 18 !

Still, there is a chance that the Exige may convert you, so don�t be put off from �pullin de trigger� because of what we have said.


By the way, thanks for all your replies to my questions.

How can I afford an Exige if I am 18? My dad used to have a few building he was the tenant. But he got bigger stuffs, so instead of selling what he had he put me in charge of business, so I go to school and I take care of the appartements on the weekends. I do not spend my money a lot and I figured I could afford this car.

Im not too discouraged about what you guys said on what I was looking and what the Exige really is.

I just tought it would be a perfect street car judging how that guy on top gear was having so much handling and by the looks I was thinking that it would be such a nice machine to go out with.

Guess I’ll have to try an elise first and see if I could like an exige.

DO you guys have any ideas of what would be the best for me?
Im mostly looking for a compact car that has a ton of punch.

are the apartments keeping you busy - doesn’t read like you have done much “skool” recently

are the apartments keeping you busy - doesn’t read like you have done much “skool” recently

English isnt my main language. I speak French. Im from Quebec.

but Canada is really an English speaking country - you want to get out more

Is the Exige available in Canada? I didn’t think it was given approval

Actually Steve, I think I�m right in saying that about 1/3 of Canada�s population speak French as a first language, and it�s technically a bilingual country

To tell you the truth, I�d love to live in Canada (actually it�s looking more and more likely I�ll go there after Uni). Beats what this country�s coming to (and I�m just speaking from 15 odd years experience) I can hardly imagine what you old-timers must feel


but Canada is really an English speaking country - you want to get out more

eeekk !!

you ever been to Quebec Steve…

Is the Exige available in Canada? I didn’t think it was given approval

Dealer told me he could get me one. And there was no problem.

Seeing as the elise was given approval, why wouldnt the exige be given it too?

but Canada is really an English speaking country - you want to get out more

eeekk !!

you ever been to Quebec Steve…

now why would I need to do that when there’s a shed load of froggies just over the water

now why would I need to do that when there’s a shed load of froggies just over the water

Here�s something I�ve always wondered, why the animosity towards the French, I love the French (yes really), and France is easily one of the most beautiful countries in Europe (just next to Italy me thinks). Or is it similar to the whole S1 � S2 scenario (ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

This is probably just me being na�ve in my youth, but does anyone fancy expanding ?


you ever been to Quebec Steve…

An Englishman, American and a French Quebecer came across a magic lamp, which when rubbed, produced a genie, who gave them a wish each. The American went first: “I would like the soil of my country to be fertile for ever so we can produce as much food as we can ever eat.”

“It is done.”

The French Quebecer was next: “I would like to have a huge wall built around our beautiful province so that we can keep all our delicious cheeses, fruit, vegetables, foie gras, and maple syrup for ourselves, and to maintain our separatist philosophy.”

“It is done.”

Then came the Englishman: “Tell me about this wall…”

“Well, it’s about two thousand metres high, and encloses the entire country.”

“Fill it with water”.

(ie. The S1 lot really want an S2, but can�t quite bring themselves to admit it )

Are you on drugs?