My Project

Well decided next year to end my 35 year sabbatical ambitions as a F1 driver and to go for it :slight_smile:

Anyhow decided to start at grass root level and wait to be spotted :slight_smile: - I give you my Formula Ford project which I intend to race in Historics next year :slight_smile:

Shit I how do you upload pics on here??

Put the pic on a site for pic hosting.

Get the URL of the pic and hit the pic icon or post the URL in the middle of


Where it started from :slight_smile:
Aim :wink:
Van Diemen RF80

Great stuff Simon, i wish you all the best.

Cheers Gav - aim to have car ready for track Feb 2014 - looking good at the moment :slight_smile:

:thumbup: Keep posting pics of the progress…

Cracking project Simon - look forward to following it :sunglasses:

Fantastic Simon, good luck buddy :thumbup:


Good luck mate.


Awesome, well done, hope to do some of this myself In a 2000 , is it still the URS series ?

Yes URS are still sponsoring FF2000 series - off down to URS next week to pick up new suspension and some other missing bits.

Chassis tub now rebuilt - powdercoated with painted side panels - stunning job they have made :slight_smile:

Just had all wishbones powdercoated - will post some update pics once I have the suspension fitted…

Yeah keep us updated , my dad raced in URS FF2000 for a few years when he started out before classic F1 , he still says they are the best times hes had in motorsport with the nicest people you could meet .

Yep FF has some great peeps, esp the older chaps :slight_smile: who are just in it for fun with a bit of competitive edge :wink:

Classic F1 - brilliant what did your pops race? :slight_smile:

He used to race in TGP in a Mansell Lotus 92 for a number of years , then he raced with Clienti in a 642 Ferrari Prost car , he only demos now with his FW18 Damon Hill Williams and is just in the process of rebuilding two Minardis, a M189 and a M198 .
Pic of him back in the FF2000 days :slight_smile:

Absolutely fantastic :slight_smile: - is that a Van Diemen FF2000 RF82?

I really would love to view his cars - absolutely mega :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m pretty sure it was an 82 , really want one badly , maybe next year and race the year after getting the msa done .
Hats off to you for doing it , would love to have a go !

This pic was taken week or two ago of the Minardi M189 , very close to being finished , full years worth of nutt & bolt rebuild and new DFR engine to original spec , all better than new .
Thought you might like :slight_smile:

That is proper horney

It’s doo-able - go for it :slight_smile:

Just sold one of my precious Lotus cars to help finance next year’s racing :slight_smile:

Whoa - that is so brilliant :slight_smile: