My new Exige S

Picked up my new Lotus Exige S last wednesday. Amazing car totally love it until last night it made a horrible sound. Got it recovered by the AA and the two mecanics think the cam belt has slipped or snapped causing bad internal engine damage. Im so unhappy i was going to post a few days previuosly to say hello etc as i was into forums from my Evo days ( but now its an unhappy post. Im so annoyed its done 1138miles. Is that bad luck or what?

Gutted for you, hope they get it sorted soon.
Would hate to have to run it in again!!

Edit: oh and welcome BTW!!

sorry to hear Alric
Picked mine up Thursday
So far So good

Many thanks to Rob and James at Stratsone

Ps How do you post a picture ??

Sorry to hear that, got mine on good friday. im more than happy with it just waiting for the exhaust and induction to become available (anyone got any idea when they will be available) then i will be over the moon.





sorry about the quality my camera is foooked

Nice colour

The Yoda lump has chain rather than a belt so you would be really unlucky for that to jump

Nice pics and thanks for the welcome guys!
Just spoke to Lotus it looks like the supercharger has failed and disintigrated so they have ordered a new one! WHy would this have happened after just 1000miles of carfeul running in?

Not good

Nice pics and thanks for the welcome guys!
Just spoke to Lotus it looks like the supercharger has failed and disintigrated so they have ordered a new one! WHy would this have happened after just 1000miles of carfeul running in?

Let them account for ALL the bits and pieces. Agree with Jamie. Not good if something went to the engine.


Ok finally got in touch with the dealer, it turns out the AA guys were wrong and actually it was the supercharger. The bearings in the supercharger failed and destroyed the insides. A new one has been ordered and will be fitted in a week or so hopefully. Still dont know why this would happen? A manufacturing defect maybe? Roots type supercharger are they meant to be reliable normally? Ah well im getting into a better mood again now as there is light at the end of the tunnel. Will be worried it will happen again tho.

That Exige S looks great in red, stunning car mate

cheers my elise was red too, I really wanted white, krypton or orange (in that order ) but �1000 for paint seemed a bit stiff so I got the slippy diff instead. And will put up with the very shiney, I wish I was a Ferrari (not) red as my 4th Fav colour for the little Lotus

Just worried about it breaking down now my dealers demo car has been it bits since about day 2 of them having it aswell. (better get that 1st service booked in, Ive been waiting for the exhaust and induction to become available but noone seems to know when that will be.)

Hopefully reliability shouldn’t be an issue there are lots of 240R’s and Cup 240’s that have been given a very hard life life with no issues

Hopefully reliability shouldn’t be an issue there are lots of 240R’s and Cup 240’s that have been given a very hard life life with no issues

Good to hear some reassuring words as I pick up my new S this afternoon…very excited!

This was my S until it broke down get it back in a week or so!


Jst spoke to the dealer again…not good. Apparantly mines the second one they know of thats blown the supercharger up and looks like a big big problem. Might be a recall. I rang Lotus direct and they wernt interested one bit. It times like this I wish i had kept my evo. I only had the exige s for 5days till it broke and now the delear thinks if they replace the supercharger with a new one it will go bang again.

Jst spoke to the dealer again…not good. Apparantly mines the second one they know of thats blown the supercharger up and looks like a big big problem. Might be a recall. I rang Lotus direct and they wernt interested one bit. It times like this I wish i had kept my evo. I only had the exige s for 5days till it broke and now the delear thinks if they replace the supercharger with a new one it will go bang again.

The 240s have all been fine, is your dealer suggesting its a bad batch of superchargers or is something fundamentally different in the S to the 240 thats causing this?

Mine arrives monday

Ok finally got in touch with the dealer, it turns out the AA guys were wrong and actually it was the supercharger. The bearings in the supercharger failed and destroyed the insides. A new one has been ordered and will be fitted in a week or so hopefully. Still dont know why this would happen? A manufacturing defect maybe? Roots type supercharger are they meant to be reliable normally? Ah well im getting into a better mood again now as there is light at the end of the tunnel. Will be worried it will happen again tho.

Might be a lubrication issue. The SC is an Eaton unit isn’t it? Should have it own lubrication ‘system’. Maybe not enough oil.
Again, does the dealer garantee that no bits have made it to the airintake / cylinders That would be my biggist worry now.


Which dealer are you using ALRIC??, I would be demanding a replacement car, then they can use yours to find out what is going wrong!


Dont worry about the factory response. The route for warranty type stuff is always via the dealer first, & the system works. If eventually the dealer (& field engs) can’t sort it, the factory would then deal with you direct. It’s a PITA when your new pride n joy is broke but it will be sorted…Lotus cant afford to pi$$ off its customers like that.
