My Exige in EVO - the write up

OK, so the magazine seems to be in general distribution now so here’s a write up of the 2 days I spent with EVO mag:

Day 1

Arrived at Goodwood at 0915, passed a couple of guys cleaning an immaculate Mitsi EVO 6 TM in the �garages�. Parked up next to a big trailer with Aston Martin written on it, and went into the Aero cafe, met John Barker and a couple of the photographers. A few more people arrived and we were asked to take our cars to the garages to wash them, I followed a Vanquish and we set about cleaning the 2 cars with just a cold hose, sponges and chamois.
Then Henry Catchpole turned up in the 911 GT3 and promptly got on his mobile for the duration of the car cleaning !! I guess cleaning these fantastic cars didn’t appeal to him, like it did us mere mortals.

We then drove the cars out onto the track to a point between Madgewick and Fordwater where we found the new Aston Martin V12 Vantage setup ready for the cover shot. We were called forward one at a time and positioned for the picture. After about an hour and hundreds of photos later (various playing with positions of cars + lights on or off etc) the V12 Vantage was taken off to another part of the circuit for its individual photos.

The 9 �modern icons� cars were then re-arranged for the shot that is at the front of the article. It was getting cold and quite wet by this time, so a chat with Ollie Marriage and Henry in the back of the Photographers van was welcome, whilst the photographers got on with their work.

After lunch, cars were taken off in groups of 3 - Clio Trophy, Racing Puma and Integra R; My Exige, Clio V6 and EVO 6 TM; 911 GT3, 360CS and Vanquish to have action photos taken around the circuit and JB, Ollie and Henry a chance to drive them. The cars not out on circuit were taken 1 at a time to have detail photos taken.

I spent most of the afternoon watching Gus Gregory taking detail shots of the V12 Vantage, I feel the photographers are the real heroes � they spent hours laying on the wet tarmac, playing with various bits of camera equipment, getting the right shot.

Day 1 closed back at the cafe for a cup of tea and plan for the next day. I was the only owner to return the next day, but as both Clio’s and the FRP were from Manufacturers Heritage collections and the 911 on loan from Paragon, these would be around the next day as well.

Day 2

Much smaller team � myself, Henry and his father (along to see what his son was up to), Ollie and Chris Rutter (EVOs own Photographer). Today was a much more interesting day for me as I got to talk to Ollie and Henry loads and they got me put on the EVO insurance for the day.

After cleaning the cars (Henry on phone again!!), the day started with Chris taking detail photos of the cars that were left, whilst the rest of us planned the rest of the day, the weather was much better so we decided to take all the cars up by the horse racing course and take some shots along the top of the South Downs. Before we did this we took the 911, Clio V6 and Exige out onto the track for more action shots including Ollie attaching a video camera to the rear wing of the Exige � hopefully this will appear on the EVO website at some stage.

Up to the Downs
We started by concentrating on the Porshe as Henry needed to get away to catch a flight to Germany to test the new Boxster (see mag for article) but was to deliver the 911 back to Paragon on his way to the airport. I managed to get a ride with Ollie in the GT3 before it left, I’ve never been a 911 fan, but this car is amazing, it holds the road over bumps like no other car I’ve ever been in, and felt like a brand new car despite being on a V reg and having 40k on the clock. Whilst I was out with Ollie, Henry and Chris took the Exige out across the downs. When they returned Henry was very impressed with the Exige, and we have agreed he will have to try it on track sometime.

After saying goodbye to Henry and his father, we took the Clio and FRP to an S bend on the A285, and Chris and I stood in a field whilst Ollie drove up and down the stretch of road for Chris to take pics. Again the patience of both photographer and driver was amazing (we probably did this for about 2 hours) making sure they covered any possible shots they may need, finishing with Chris taking shots of Ollie driving the Clio. I then drove the Clio, following Ollie driving the FRP with Chris taking shots of him driving, back to Goodwood, a good drive and chance to give the V6 some welly!

I really enjoyed my 2 days with EVO and thanks must go to the guys, who made me feel really welcome, Thanks again to NealH for cross-posting, perhaps when the weather improves we could do a �southern� Exige owners meet and I can buy you that beer.

If you’ve read this far � well done, I admit to not being the best story teller in the world, so just stuck to the facts!


Some Photos here:


Great write up, which was indeed an interesting read - thanks

Nice photos

Nice write up, nice pictures - I’m glad you appear to have had such a great time.

I’d certainly be up for an Exige mini-meet sometime when the weather improves. Maybe a Sunday lunchtime?


Enjoyed reading that & always wondered what was involved with making an article in the mag, great pics too.

Well done Alex!!!

That V12 Vantage looks awesome!


After suffering a delayed delivery of my Evo, I’ve just read the piece on the Exige and it matches my thoughts exactly, especially that moment when you open the garage door � straight out of the kitchen in my case � and see it crouching there, looking purposeful. tempting you . . enticing you . . . to get into it and go for a blast.

After suffering a delayed delivery of my Evo, I’ve just read the piece on the Exige and it matches my thoughts exactly, especially that moment when you open the garage door � straight out of the kitchen in my case � and see it crouching there, looking purposeful. tempting you . . enticing you . . . to get into it and go for a blast.

Just like mine did to me today!

After suffering a delayed delivery of my Evo, I’ve just read the piece on the Exige and it matches my thoughts exactly, especially that moment when you open the garage door � straight out of the kitchen in my case � and see it crouching there, looking purposeful. tempting you . . enticing you . . . to get into it and go for a blast.

Just like mine did to me today!

Sad old buggers!

Got my car back home about 20 mins ago, after being away for 3 weeks, & a bit of Edwards magic…nice run down the M61, & now sat replendent in the garage (car, not me!)bloody fantastic to have it within easy reach/eyeshot again

Sad buggers indeed

Three weeks of Edwards’ magic! What now?


Nothing special - service/MOT/geo/& fitment of new brake master (Motorsport), & clutch master cylinders - I just meant that the way they go about their work is “magic”, to a mechanical numpty like me.

PS Just been in the garage for a quick peep (almost got a “stiffy”!!!)

Steady! I get enough of those at work!

I’m hoping that bit of the article was inspired by me, as I said something along those lines to Henry when we were talking on the day!
Just been away for a weeks skiing and have serious Exige withdrawal symptoms - might have to open the garage door now!!

The wonders of vigra eh Rob
Waiting for the call from the Edward boys so can take my car down for some fettling befoe Anglesey

exige, clio V6, and TME 6.5

how did they steal my dream garage for this test??

funy enough ive got the elise with the VHPD and an integra R … must get the magazine i suppose!

Anybody that’s not yet read the article or wants to see a couple of extra piccies its online here:


And a video here:


Interesting video, but are all of them future classics?

I’m trying to think back to 1970s cars (not supercars) and think which ones would have been heralded then as future classics. Anyone any ideas?