Motoring lawyer?

Anybody know of a good lawyer for motoring convictions? I need some advice :frowning:

Thereā€™s the obvious but heā€™s not cheap.

How bad?


Is this any use?

It was a clear early morning when i was caught by an unmarked car (who was stationary) with a gun from behind, I was at the time overtaking a slower moving car (clearly seen on the video), the gun reading was 91mph in a 60mph limit.
I am not covinced on the guns accuracy with the reading as I was overtaking at the time of the reading, also considering where he was parked I do not feel he could have had me in sight for long enough. Finally I donā€™t think I could have even been going at the speed quoted given the proximity of some solid white lines which had made me follow the car for a period of time.
The bad side of of this is the place in the country it happened, and the fact the reading is 91 in a 60 which could make an instant ban. Whilst I admit I did probably go over the limit during the overtake so therefore a fine and points would be acceptable (I did the crime) the lilely severity of the prosecution might be unduly harsh if the magistrates are having a bad day. There are no real guidlines for what punishment to hand out :frowning:

I feel for you Ade, as i had this very dilemma 12 months ago. I was clocked by a hand held gun at 53 in a 30. This was a 4 lane road, deserted execpt for one other car on a clear night. Plod was stationary

I was threatend with a ban, but ā€˜escapedā€™ with points and a huge fine.

Did you get pulled over? The guns give an instant reading of speed, not an average. It only takes a split second. The gun is calibrated, the user of it less so. Arguing this will get you nowhere :frowning:

If you were not stopped, plod has 14 days to issue a ā€˜NIPā€™. If you were stopped they have 6 months to get you to court.

There are plenty of guidelines. You face an instant ban even if your license is clean now.

Your best plea is to accept you were over the limit. Can you prove genuine hardship if you were to lose your license i.e.

inability to work/loss of employment?
needing a car as you are a carer for a family member?
Public transport for work/seeing family/kids means you will never/hardly be away from work long enough to see anyone and you/you family will suffer unduly?

Your hardship needs to be far greater than a simple demonstration of inconvenience.

Good luck fella.

I feel your pain m8 ā€¦
I recently got done for doing 48 in a 50. !!
Yes , I was 2 mph UNDER the limit but was in an artic.
Ironically, this silly restriction is being lifted in the new year to allow artics to go the same speed as cars on single track roads ā€¦
I bet they wonā€™t give me a refund though !!

We are just cash cows for them Iā€™m afraid.
Save your money on the lawyer and just be real polite to the magistrate is my 2p

From my experience that site is a complete waste of time and energy. For the most part the forum there is full of barrack-room lawyers who are more concerned with their own egos than actually helping anyone. I went on their a couple of years ago for advice and ended up having to make a formal complaint to their mods because of the continual offence and aggro I received.

Also, bear in mind that the Police can and do read that site in detail. Itā€™s not unknown for them to mention things that have only been brought up there, having traced postings back to an accused.

Regarding accuracy of cameras, etc. they have heard all the reasoning in the world, much of it from highly qualified engineers & scientists; they deny there are any problems and are convinced the systems are utterly infallible despite known failings in both technical operation and calibration.

The view is that the evidence is unquestionable and, when supported by the word of a service policeman, is enough to gain a conviction (bear in mind that magistrates are under guidance that, in Court protocol, where two policemen corroborate a story, that is deemed acceptable for a conviction without any other evidence).

By all means look into any potential flaws, ask for copies of the photos and see if there is anything obvious, but other than that (and I HATE saying thisā€¦) all you can do is be contrite and take it on the chin.

Thanks for posting the above experience - not good! :frowning:

Iā€™ve personally never had cause to use that, or any other similar siteā€¦touch wood! :smiley:

Finger crossed for favourable outcome Ade.

Mate of mine has today just had his case chucked out of court because plod stated in court when asked that the defendant had said he ā€œwasnā€™t using his phone as he couldnā€™t afford to loose his licence as already had 9 pointsā€.

Seemingly the fact that plod stated in court about him having 9 points was a no no and he got off.

Nothing to add but good luck Ade. Just realised that we didnā€™t get a chance to speak at Donington. Not sure how that happened.


Sorry Ade, pecker up buddy, last thing you need.

This is the final kick in the teeth for my truly rubbish yearā€¦

Thanks for all the wishes, I was stopped on the day and it has taken 4 months to send the summons to me, I saw the reading on the back of the handheld gun and shown the video which clearly shows me overtaking a car at the time he takes the reading so plenty of chance for wobbly hand syndrome. Also the officer was on his own in the car but I fear that makes little to no difference sadly.

I am going to see a lawyer on Monday, but it looks like an early plea of guilty by letter might be the better option, add a suitable set of words for mitigation and keep them crossed, bizarrely a short term 7 or 28 day ban with no points will be better than getting 6 and be worried for the next 3 years.

The most annoying part, if they expect to ban you, you then are told you have to attend court once you have sent back your paperwork, surely that suggests they know your punishment before they even hear your court case, how can that be right?

Good luck with this Ade. Sorry , I canā€™t advise. I had some ridiculous points handed out some years back which have now gone and decided to bend over and take it.

Clearly a car with forced induction :mrgreen:

Yeah good luck Ade, as others have said, sometimes you just have to put your hand up even though it does not feel fair or just. Better that than it consuming any more energy than absolutely necessary.

I feel like I barely saw people at Donny either I think it was the weather and being in pit garages at opposing ends.

Or your eyes were boggled from the Cat. :smiley:

Just to throw insurance in as a consideration (which it may or may not be). I think a ban causes more loading than points.

Good luck buddy, the only way is up!

I was going to ring my insurance man first to ask what is the better of 2 evils :frowning:

Unless your insurance man is a ā€˜friendā€™ I wouldnt suggest discussing anything with them until your case has been decided, from previous discussions with Insurance company staff, Ive had my fingers burnt when it came to renewal from a so called ā€˜previousā€™ conversation.

Good luck fella