Motoring lawyer?

Bummer mate… :frowning:

I got ‘nicked’ in exactly the same manner… overtaking a bloke doing 43 mph in a Mini Metro (next time you are stuck behind one of these I guarantee it will also be doing EXACTLY 43 mph!! :confused: )… the copper was in a transit van on tyne other side of the road, clocking me from behind… The brute was that van had been jacked up on the back of a recovery vehicle to ‘pose’ as being broken down!!! :smiling_imp:

I spoke to all and sundry about this… the bottom line was the speed limit was 60… and I was doing ‘more’ than 60! I took the points and fine.

Now’t you can do, aside from wearing a suit and being very remorseful… (tell them you have now sold your car!)

Good luck… :wink:

Nightmare Ade. I think we have probably all had good and bad run ins with the boys in blue. I’ve been done a couple of times for silly things that i genuinely thought were unfair, and as we all know, I have got off scott free from an incident when they should have probably thrown the key away.

I certainly wouldn’t lie in court like Pete has suggested, and like others have said, just put your hand up (early, as you have stated) and prey for a kind magistrate.

Being done for overtaking is a bit iffy, I mean you are trying to get around the person as quickly as possible, so you can get back on your side of the road. The problem is, we don’t realise how bloody quickly our cars accelerate. In no time at all, you can be doing very silly speeds.

Hey Sean…

That is a bit of a conclusion jump mate :astonished:

‘I certainly wouldn’t lie in court like Pete has suggested’

To clarify… I was not or never would suggest lying in court ok!!! I was just trying to banter…

After a long discussion with a lawyer, the consensus is to plead guilty.
Turn up at court and try to mitigate for the shortest term ban possible and avoid the points as they just hang over you anyway.
Oddly saying you were overtaking can work against you as you are now seen to be speeding on the wrong side of the road and being dangerous, this surprised me a lot!
The guidelines suggest a short ban is most likely and it would do me no favours to take a lawyer, at the end of the day you are only speeding.
Also trying to claim the gun was wrong unless you are sure you were not speeding is a waste of time as you were still speeding so it is reasonable for you being in court anyway.
All in all, bend over and take it and pay the extra insurance premium for a couple of years :frowning:

That’s good advice Ade. My lawyer suggested he should not turn up at my case last year

That’s good advice Ade. My lawyer suggested he should not turn up at my case last year

Sorry Pete, didn’t mean it to sound like I was having a pop.

No worries mate!.. probably just because we won the Rugby! :clap:

He did though, yeah?. A good 'un can work the system as long so he;s not too much of a smart arse

Nope. Just me. How dare you question my capabilities. :laughing:

Top job then, me learned friend!

150 hours community service and a 3 year ban!!!


I go away for a few days and you’re still on here. I thought you’d have been banged to rights by now?
My only advice is, if they take you straight down, take some lube.


:laughing: :laughing:

At least us ‘old gits’ are on the same wavelength mate!!! :clap:

That’ll be Radio 4, with Pesky, listening to the Archers?


Thanks, that reminds me that I must unpack my wireless after moving house last week. Really missing “Workers Playtime” at lunchtimes.

Won’t the care workers unpack that for you Rob?


They’re too busy unpacking the incontinence pads.

Pads should be ok. The time to worry is when you get measured for the full length rubber trousers :mrgreen: