Mallory Park Saturday 18th February

I’m organising a track day at Mallory Park, Leicestershire on Saturday 18th Feb 2006.

The price is �125 per car, with no additional charge for a 2nd driver or 1st passenger.

More details, including a booking form and payment options, can be found HERE, or you can drop me a PM for more details if you prefer.

Hope to see some of you there.


Would that be “open pitlane”, & what is max no of cars you would book onto the day, please?


Hi Pesky

We’re intending to run the day in 3x20 minute sessions per hour, with a group for novices, intermediate, and advanced drivers.

There’ll be no more than 20-25 cars per session.

We’ll use sessions on this occasion so that those taking part will have a good idea in advance how much track time they’ll be getting through the day, rather than having to spend time waiting to go out because the track is already full of cars. As i’m sure you already know Mallory’s a great circuit for novices and experts alike and we don’t want those who may be more experienced being held up by those on their first trackday etc. Hopefully this way everybody has an enjoyable, and safe day out.

It may be possible to take a view on running the afternoon track time as open pit during the lunch break based on how things go in the morning sessions.

The day will run as follows;

8:00 am - driver/passenger sign-on
8:30 am - circuit safety briefing
9:00 am to 4:30 pm (weather permitting) - on track time

There will be a break in the middle of the day of at least 30 minutes for lunch.



Thanks Peter

Have very little interest in Track Days that aren’t open pit lane. In all of the years I have been doing track days I have NEVER had to wait to go our on track at an open pitlane day.

Open pit days are a lot more relaxed, you get higher quality track time. Sessioned days are a rush. Every one goes mental at the start of there session as they are trying to make the most of there 20 mins and usually someone bins it and session over.


Thanks for your comments Sean.

One of the main reasons we’ve decided to go for sessions rather than open pit is that the last day I attended (as a spectator) at Mallory was run as open pit and it seemed like it kept being chequered/red flagged due to the number of vehicles on track, with some always waiting to go out. People were also staying on circuit for long periods in one go and this also seemed to be causing problems both to vehicles and driving standards.

Sorry if this event won’t appeal to you, we’ll be organising more over the coming months so hopefully one of those will be more up your street.

No arse-kissing intended, but i’m really looking forward to seeing yours on track at some point soon once you’ve got the conversion to racer sorted. You’re only just up the road from me too, i’m in Wombourne!

Hi Peter,

Firstly I apologise, I re-read my comments above and I think I came accross a bit harsh. Fair paly to anyone organising a track day!!

I have never done a track day at Mallory, so maybe the short lap there adds to the queues in the pit lane, I can honestly say I have never had to queue. I am going to be looking to do a few days at Mallory as its one of the rounds of the MESC next year, so I guess I need to learn my way around.

Had a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, so with what is coming out of my arse, believe me its the last thing you waould want to kiss. If your ever over by Merry Hill / Blackheath you will have to pop in.

Hey, no worries Sean.

We’re a new company, so all feedback’s good as it’ll help us guage exactly what people want and then hopefully we can tailor our events better to people’s needs. If you’re not doing anything that day you’re most welcome to come along and watch or blag some passenger laps.

I’m often over Merry Hill way, so yeah a meet-up would be good sometime.

FWIW, I am of the same feeling as Sean (as I’m sure many here): Open Pit lane or… better not

But then I guess it may be due to the fact that most people here have done trackdays in the past and know what we’re looking for.

Maybe sessions would be more attractive to trackday newcomers?

Thanks Uldis.

You may well be right that sessions will appear more to trackday newcomers or intermediates rather than exige owners.

We’re still fairly new to this, so we’re trying to appeal to as broad a spectrum of people as possible at this stage while we’re trying really hard to build the business. We’ve also tried to bear in mind comments like those on the recent thread on here about a recent day at Silverstone being a bit unpredictable due to the mix of experience on circuit some of the time.

Hopefully sessions will remove (at least some of) the uncertainty. Everybody’s got to do their first day sometime though.

Those taking part should get at least 6 (hopefully 7), 20 minute sessions through the day.



Why don’t you come up to Knockhill for some research during a Hot Marques or a SIDC trackday… talk to the organisers and the KH staff etc… I’ve been there when there are around 60 cars on a 1.3 mile long cct (same as Mallory??) Open Pitlane and queing isn’t an issue at all it all evens itself out (i think the track takes about 35 cars) and entrance to the track is governed by Marshalls only giving the green light when there is enough space on the pit-straight… it seems to work fine.

If its too busy people tend to come in for a while… but equally, i’ve circulated for 3-4 laps and not even been within 20-30 car lengths of another car at the same day.

Great idea RoxTeddy, thanks.

Unfortunately, i’ve only been to Knockhill once and that was was a few years back to watch the touring cars, rather than actually driving myself - and I didn’t have the exige back then either. We were there for about a week and I rather fell in love with the place tbh. It’s an awesome circuit. With some great corners and the undulating up and down nature of the track it’s very under-used, just a pity it’s so far north relative to where I am based in the midlands, it’s not somewhere i can get to just for a day out.

Maybe we should arrange a trip up there sometime?

just a pity it’s so far north relative to where I am based in the midlands, it’s not somewhere i can get to just for a day out.

Maybe we should arrange a trip up there sometime?

why not come up for 3 days then … track day in the middle… spend some time in the wilds of Scotland enjoynig the best roads in UK

Sounds like a good idea tbh.

Might have to wait 'til the summer though.

Perhaps we could have an group trip?

Make sure you’ve got a proper front numberplate though. I hear the scottish plod don’t like small ones

Sounds like a good idea tbh.

Might have to wait 'til the summer though.

Perhaps we could have an group trip?

Now wouldn’t that be a real idea

Make sure you’ve got a proper front numberplate though. I hear the scottish plod don’t like small ones

…how about ones stuck on to the bonnet???

Make sure you’ve got a proper front numberplate though. I hear the scottish plod don’t like small ones

…how about ones stuck on to the bonnet???

Any Plod stuck on the bonnet, deserves…


…suppose I asked for that.

Bit of lateral thinking here

As this will be a sessioned day, I reckon that it would be ideal for those Exigers, who are either Newbies/Novices, to dip their toes into the trackday scene, particularly those who may be a bit unsure about coming along to the day at Donington in April.

Who can argue with that?