LoT Croft - 24/5

Just booked up, never been to croft so should be good fun, I know Gavin’s in, anyone else care to join in ?

Thanks, but no thanks.

Have a good day

Thanks, but no thanks.

painful memories ?

Should be ok for this one…

Who did you book it with Pete ?

LoT - it’s their day

Planning on going up Friday, staying over at Chez Gav and back home on the Sunday.

Booked !

painful memories ?

Nope - it’s flat*, always rains**, & although OPL, they only allow 15 cars on at a time.

  • although the Esses & Barwell are really good, I find the rest of the circuit at best dull, & at worst crap. That of course is only my opinion, but don’t let that put anyone else off from enjoying their day out

** well it has, each of 3 occasions I’ve been.

PS I know I’m fortunate in having Oulton, Donington, Cadwell & Anglesey within easy striking distance, so perhaps I’ve been spoiled

Wow…surprised at that Rob…I really like Croft !

Only had rain once whilst I’ve been and I find the track quite challenging.

Wow…surprised at that Rob…I really like Croft !

Lots of folks do, Dave, & I’m possibly in the minority of one! I quite enjoyed my first trip there - probably because it was an exiges.com day, & there was a pretty good turnout of peeps from this forum, who made it a bloody good social get together As I said above, the back section is fun (& challenging), then the last bit, towards & around the hairpin, spoils it for me.

I certainly wouldn’t want to put anyone off from doing Croft, it’s just that I have no real desire to drive it again myself, & would rather allocate my trackday budget elsewhere

Been to Croft once. 5500rpm rev limit kicked in when I joined the M1 (at J1 ), did one sighting lap and car spent the day in the paddock

Twas the day Martin took me out in his recently Honda’d car and that was when I made me mind up

Expensive day then!

Expensive day then!

Aye, I don’t dare go back the amount it cost me last time …oh and it’s a 500+ mile round trip.

but its a decent circuit, the complex into the final hairpin would make it into my dream circuit, as would the esses. Just don’t like the first corner off the the main straight.

but its a decent circuit, the complex into the final hairpin would make it into my dream circuit, as would the esses. Just don’t like the first corner off the the main straight.

There you go - interesting to see that Steve, & Dave, have a different opinion to me Just shows that peeps should try a circuit for themselves, & then make their own minds up

I love Croft, I think it flows really well and suits the Exige. Certain parts were a bit bumpy when I was last there. Plus, I like the first corner and the way it leads through that chicaine into the second long one. Like the wise man says, each to there own!!

I love Croft


I love Croft


Sherry ?

Lara, yes deffo!!

On the Sherry front I am more of a Harveys man!!

On the Sherry front I am more of a Harveys man!!


Bristol you tart!!!