Larini exhaust...latest news!


Looks excellent. Did you buy it from MBR or direct from Larini ?

Did you need any WMD to remove the old one?

Wave Motion Detector?

You mean WD40, no?

tried these numbers Dave, bit got a wrong number!

Wave Motion Detector?

You mean WD40, no?

no no no… think world leaders current obsession… esp those who are apparently part of the free world and democracy…

although these days it seems to mean a few old rusty oil cans and some old fireworks that have been sitting around in the dirt for eons…

in IDG’s case i was wondering if there was any need for grinders, gas cutters etc…

Does anybody want the Larini exhaust that I ordered? They are trying to charge �420 for it so I would try to knock them down a bit.

Did you need any WMD to remove the old one?

Well not exactly need any, but when there’s a compressed air powered hacksaw about it’d be a shame not to use it!

As I’m sure you know, the exhaust is a bit of a tight fit and it was proving difficult to rotate the arms of the original exhaust round, which was making it difficult to get out. So we cut the in pipe and flange end off (it’s not like I’m going to use it again!).

The original (zinc coated, not SS) nuts all came off with no problem.


Ahhh, of course, Weapons of Mass Destruction.

I’m slow today…

Got the exhaust fitted today, was a bit of a bugger to get the old oneout though! Many thanks for the exhaust Dave, can hear all the other noises now!

cheers IDG

did you get it direct from Larini or from MBR ?

MBR (and fitted it cost less than Rooney’s (sorry mate), although I think the pricing of the thing hasn’t settled yet).


Ian - have you noticed any issues with the Larini only being 2" diameter pipe?? Was inspecting it last night and I’m a bit concerned about the step it will create.

What do you mean by issues? So far I’m very pleased, power seems a little improved, noise is low but good and grumbly.

I know they tried a better breathing one, which could have had bigger pipes, but the noise crept up.


I’m very tempted to send mine back because of the 2" pipes. There would be a big step as the exhaust gasses enter it and it’s not, IMHO, very clever…

I’d be interested in what Larini have to say on the matter. You spoken to them?


Yes, I spoke to them yesterday. They waffled on about resonances in bigger bore pipes but they also said that they can’t do the 180 degree bend in one hit with pipe bigger than 2" so I think thats the real reason they use it.

It’s not so much the diameter that bothers me, as you could argue that it would maintain gas velocity better, its the step that is a problem. On the 190 Rover lump it would probably be fine but the Honda kicks out quite a bit more power and I don’t want to strangle it. I would rather get the noise down by using a bigger box.

The trouble I have now is that I’m off to Goodwood for a TD tomorrow and it has a 98db limit so I may have to fit it anyway. If I do I will have to come up with some way to put a taper in place of the step.

what diameter is the manifold pipe then Randy ?

I’m wondering if the std Exige exhaust is actually 2". Could be why my gasket went. I’ll check.
