Land's End John O'Groats bike ride for Parkinson's UK

As mentioned elsewhere on TimMarra’s northern meet thread, I am riding the End to End with my pal, Wayne Stephens who has set up a JustGiving page in support of Parkinson’s UK. Please have a look at Wayne Stephens is fundraising for Parkinson’s UK
It would be great if you could donate something but don’t forget to mention when you chip in.
Thanks in advance,
Thommo :smiley:

Donated :smiley:

Thanks, Ade, and Tim_Marra.

Done Steve

Many thanks, Jonny


Thanks, Ben! Just taking coffee in St Agnes. And cake, obviously!

And thanks too to TJS and Pesky. leading the fund-raising :clap:

And more thanks are due to Wes and SimonE (who helpfully asked if we were riding tandem. NO. )
Completed Day 1 with ride to Davidstow. Weather very kind and winds favourable. Enjoyed it. Might have been a different story if it had been wet and windy. I will try to post pics and regular updates if anyone is interested via the Internet if I can get a connection for the laptop.
70+ miles again tomorrow


Thanks, Steve and anyone else who’s been generous enough to support us.
Yesterday was a tough one. Supposed to be 77 miles and turned out to be 92.
Had no chance to download any pix or reports

92miles that’s great going!!

At least you’ve got some nice weather.

It must be a wonderful way to see our country. We all just jump in car/trains/planes and lose our sense of scale,…on a bike, well that’s different.

92 miles is very good going get your fingers out and you could make the Lakes meet tomorrow :laughing:

It sure is. Some of the views are stunning, surprising in their scale and beauty. Little communities tucked away down lanes where grass grows down the middle of the carriageway.
People living miles from anywhere, with a village pub, a village hall and not much else.
80+ miles today Taunton to Monmouth. Drive up the Wye Valley, it’s a great road but better still seen from the bike.
Thanks AD-s and anyone else who has chipped in. Still without solid Internet connection( using paired phone) so no pics etc.
Thanks for showing such interest, too

Finally got a decent internet connection after another 90+ miles ride. Weather still being kind but our navigational skills are proving CRAP. It should have been a 72miler but we went down a few of those grassy lanes. On the upside, a couple of people along the way (pub landladies) chipped in a fiver each so the pot continues to grow. We’re well over the £500 target, so thanks again to everyone.

And thanks to Will, the latest in a long line of Exigers to add their support and cash.

So where you boys up to? I’m actually near to your start point right now,…beautiful down here!

Ran out of luck with the weather. After six glorious warm sunny days with favourable winds, we woke this morning on Arran to find torrential rain and strong winds. But it was always going to happen so we geared up and set off for the mainland via Lochranza ferry. Forty plus miles so far today with 40 more to come. Just about to have cullen skink in Lochgilphead. Oban beckons.
Thanks for everyone’s interest and support.
Hope the weather holds for you, Ben

Dig deep. Great cause.
Donation done.
If you are still stalking my wife on Strava you’ll know she was doing a sea swim for the hospice.
Successfully completed today. Ended up 15.5miles in 6hours 40mins.
Feel free ( but no pressure : ) )

Thanks, Graeme. Happy to return the favour.
Thanks also to Deggles for his donation.
Current total of £720.04p, way above the original target of £500 and much of the boost is due to generous Exigers.
Rest day tomorrow(Sat), then back on the bike.