Hi ,
anyone got any info or views on fitting an L.S.D to an exige s 2006?
Got to have one!
Who supplies them etc
Seems very little on here about them.
Someone must be in the know.
cheers John

No discussed much because the general opinion seems to be that fitting one is not necessary - very few race Elise/Exige have them. For the track I would agree, where they can be useful is on hill climbs and twisty sprints. However, I’m no expert so someone will be along to explain properly .

If you want one speak to Lotus Motorsport or look on Eliseparts - not cheap though .


This topic always starts a good discussion, you will find more on seloc and quite a bit on elisetalk.

I really want the ability to do a quick 180 degree spin (for pose purposes of course) and to eliminate inner wheel spin.
A couple of my fast cars as a young un had L.S.D,s and i loved em.
I know the exige chassis doesn’t need one to be quick
but it simply wont 180 without with any consistency.

I really want the ability to do a quick 180 degree spin (for pose purposes of course) and to eliminate inner wheel spin.
A couple of my fast cars as a young un had L.S.D,s and i loved em.
I know the exige chassis doesn’t need one to be quick
but it simply wont 180 without with any consistency.

Can’t see the problem - my local MaccyD’s carpark is well slippy, innit.

Oooooooooooooooooh dear.

Has anyone fitted their own ?
Whats involved etc …
How long / special tools etc.
can it be done without specialised gearbox tooling?
Thanks in advance…

Why would you want to go to all that trouble just so you can do a 180???

Don’t get me wrong I’ve done that myself, but I was 15 years old… and it was in my Dad’s car on Tesco carpark when I didn’t know any better!!!

NB It was when they didn’t open Sunday’s and the old man was sat in the passenager seat!

Missing the point there Mr Shaggy…

Not “just” about getting the back round…

Car with L.S.D is far more predictable than one without.especially in the wet…or gravelly surfaces (roads?)

Higher spec exiges have em So lotus themselves think they,re advantagoeus…

Your average German sportswagen has em… (you know that!)
Even a 1983 323 ?

Honda’d exiges have em…

F1 cars wouldn,t be without em …

Lotus Sumbeam in it,s day was useless without one. A diff really changed that…As it did with rs 2000

Does anyone like seeing smoke pouring from the inside wheel out of a corner and being unable to get traction?

My serious question is :Why wouldn,t you want one?
To me it’s the missing ingredient of these rear drive cars.

Jason Plato says it well about the diff when he reviewed the Elise sc.
See on u tube

Why spend �30 K and not finish the job?

Let the flamers begin

You can’t objectively compare the Exige, to the other cars you mention.

Only JDM Honda converted Exiges have an LSD - but that is not efficient, as it is designed to be fitted to a fwd car.

I suggest that you get a good few trackdays in the Exige under your belt, before embarking on your project. If you want top technical advice on the pros/cons of fitting LSD to an Exige, you couldn’t do better than to speak with Chris Randall (Randy) at Hoffmans in Henley on Thames.

Plato talks B.S. when it comes to Elise/Exige, he seem entirely to miss the point.

When I asked for advice on this subject here a year ago I was told that it would just make the car under steer more and my dealer said it would slip all over the place, which is probably what you want to hear. The Exige is no German barge, or a fekin 200SX!

All good to hear thanks .
I,m listening to you all , but , correct me if i,m wrong…

No-one who has an L.S.D has come forward to offer any negatives …

So … i think i,m better with one as i know the plusses and no one here has convinced of any minuses !

If the negative guys could give more reason i,d be very interested ?

It just seems to open up the cars performance envelope to me , and i,m thinking .Why spend money to upgrade power/brakes etc. when the standard car is crying out for a diff ?

I,ve had quite a few rwd cars and found the ones without a good diff to be annoying.
I know us lotus drivers are supposed to be purists etc etc .

still have not had a post on fitting the unit though…
Technical tools or usual garage stuff ?

Thanks anyway for posts.jk

I’ve never felt the need for one on the road or any trackday i’ve done. Espcially when the tyres are hot and sticky its pretty hard to spin them up.

But i am thinking about one because i’m spinning up the inside wheel on the last corner at curborough (very small small and tight sprint track i race at) So i currently have to feed the power down later and more gradually than i want on the last corner. i reckon i’m loosing 1/4 second on the straight from that (currently can’t justfy the money for 1/4 second on one corner !!)

Also when your sprinting your tyres are cold.

Can’t find my earlier video’s where you can hear the inside wheel spinning up but this video shows you how tight it is and how i’m currently later on the power and not as aggressive as i’d like to be on the last corner.

Insturctions: http://www.radphys.com/ARTICLE_MANUAL_TRANSAXLE_ASSMEBLY.pdf

I have LSD’d in both my S1 and my S2 and I wouldn’t be without one. In races I takes loads and loads of time out of people without one as they spin up the inside rear wheel on the exit of turns, plus on the start line I always get a few people. I went from 8th to 2nd by the first corner at Snetterton.

My S2 has one and it is awesome, in fairness I haven’t driven one without, but there are certainly NO downsides at all!!

My S2 has one and it is awesome, in fairness I haven’t driven one without, but there are certainly NO downsides at all!!

Yeah, but what’s it like doing 180’s for fooks sake? I presume that the “B” in your name stands for BurgerKing

Anyone for gravy?

My sentiments exactly sean…
Can’t really see why many people on this thread are against fitting one …yet hanker about more power all the time.
Get the power down first , then think about more power upgrades.

(can only think that these drivers are a bit slow on the loud pedal if they think one is’nt needed)

And at long last Lotus are beginning to accept that factory fits are required and now fit them in an increasing number of higher spec cars.
Long overdue decision imho.

So come on all the negative boys where,s your reasoning?

ps. cheers for all the posts … both pos and neg.


It would help if you would elucidate more precisely your intended use of the car ie road or track. Your experiences to date - particularly track work in the Exige, & other cars, would assist us in understanding where you’re coming from

The following post does not really resonate with the way folks on here use their own cars:

[color:“blue”] really want the ability to do a quick 180 degree spin (for pose purposes of course) and to eliminate inner wheel spin.
A couple of my fast cars as a young un had L.S.D,s and i loved em.
I know the exige chassis doesn’t need one to be quick
but it simply wont 180 without with any consistency. [/color]

Sean, bless him, is not your typical Exige owner either. He is in the fortunate position of being an excellent racing driver, who uses his Exiges purely for racing/occasional fun, but he also has loads of experience of running highly tweaked Cossies etc. His S1 Exige (fully unleashed) presently produces in excess of 400bhp.

As I said earlier, Randy is probably the best person to speak to about the technicalities (pros/cons work required etc), & Russ Gibbons @ Lotus Motorsport will, I’m sure, prove very helpful as well.

With regards to “getting the power down”, suspension/geo setup will have more effect than fitting an LSD to an Exige, particularly if running under 250bhp (or even more in a heavier S2).

Over to you

I’m not sure where I stand on this one. I’ve not had a LSD fitted to my car so can’t comment on the pros, but there are definitely a couple of places where I think that it would be nice.

Often end up spinning up a wheel exiting the Russell chicane at Snetterton, and the the tighter part of the infield at Rockingham is also bad for it. There is quite a marked grab on the transmission when it eventually does stop spinning.

Don’t think I’d go for it on its own, but If I was underneath doing the clutch then I suspect the diff and flywheel would get a change as well.

IMO a well setup LSD is beneficial. I have a Cusco 1.5way in my MR2 and the difference in low speed thight corners over the exige(which does not have one but has better suspension geometry)is quite marked. In the exige power application needs to be much smoother and later because it will spin up the inside rear. Moreover it is much easier to turn the MR2 on the throttle with the LSD. In the exige and the MR2 when it had no LSD the car is/was much less predictable when it lost traction and subsequent control was more difficult as a result.

The LSD does induce some understeer especially when it is setup to lock at quite low torque application but this can be driven around and to a certain extent eliminated with the correct geometry setup.