Hi mr PESKY !
some of what you post is useful …some not !

the guys you sugessted i,ll maybe speak to thanks.

what is where i,m coming from and whats my experience got to do with how to fit the diff to an exige?

Other than that I,m sure you mean no harm.
Cheers JFK

Let the flamers begin

Edited: ho hum, Pesky has a wee bit more experience than you seem to be aware of.


You’re the one wanting to do the 180! After 200 cars you’d think you’d buy the right car for the job, kin’ell!


Only 40? You’re merely a whippersnapper.

Given your “CV”, I’m surprised you’re even having to ask your questions here.

I’m sorry that you’re missing my point - but that’s probably my fault for not making it properly - must be an age thing, & I cba trying again.

However, you’re quite right on one thing, I mean no harm, & as nursey has just brought my Horlicks, I’ll say goodnight, & god bless before I fall asleep in my armchair

PS There’s really no need to send me a identical pm* of the post you’ve put on the forum. (Thought that you might find that useful. )


  • Well it was, until your forum post was somewhat edited from this:

    [color:“blue”]Hi mr PESKY !
    some of what you post is useful …some not !

the guys you sugessted i,ll maybe speak to thanks.

what is where i,m coming from and whats my experience got to do with how to fit the diff to an exige?

“Can’t see the problem - my local MaccyD’s carpark is well slippy, innit.”
What a useless Pesky comment !

“Yeah, but what’s it like doing 180’s for fooks sake? I presume that the “B” in your name stands for BurgerKing”
Another pesky useless comment

“Only JDM Honda converted Exiges have an LSD - but that is not efficient, as it is designed to be fitted to a fwd car.”

Sorry pesky but the diff doesn’t care if its driving the fronts or rears… It just reduces slip .

And a rear drive car at any sort of professional race event would simply be outdone by the same car with an LSD.

I won,t divulge too much about my experience with cars,but will say that.
A) I,m a professional driver as occupation
B)I,m not exaggerating when I tell you I have owned in excess of 200 cars
C)One or two were way quicker than my Exige S (400 plus BHP)
D)Aged 40 now (so no boy racer)
E)Am double UK.record holder in another sport (Sponsored pilot)

Your posts remind me of the armchair Pilots posting on forums in the aviation world.
Those that can do … and those that can,t just talk bullshit !

Other than that I,m sure you mean no harm.
Cheers JFK



You’re the one wanting to do the 180! After 200 cars you’d think you’d buy the right car for the job, kin’ell!

Jonny … i,m simply asking if any of you guys with an S2 has experience of fitting the diff ?

Is it any wonder that threads go to pot when silly comments are made?

Thanks for being helpful…

At least Mr pesky kindly pointed me in the direction of someone who maybe able to help

Are you able to offer ?

Try asking on moremonkey.com it is a US site and there are some guys on there with very modded S2’s
My car is now around 300hp and I have not found the need for an LSD yet, yes it does sometime spin the inside wheel on track but my right foot does learn to modulate the power to cut it to a minimum

Cheers ade

Nope, I really don’t want to offer you jack, you seem to know it all!

Didn’t think so, not surprised…yawn

Hang on actually yes I see you edited your post after I wrote that and I’ll thank Rob for keeping it honest and uploading what you’d wrote in the first place to antagonize me. I have every respect for Mr Peskey, I’ve met him now, know him, repect him and enjoy his passion for this site and everything Lotus Exige (even if he drives an old S1). Your know it all high and mighty smug post pissed me off and that’s why I wrote it you spineless GIT!


A) I,m a professional driver as occupation
B)I,m not exaggerating when I tell you I have owned in excess of 200 cars
C)One or two were way quicker than my Exige S (400 plus BHP)
D)Aged 40 now (so no boy racer)
E)Am double UK.record holder in another sport (Sponsored pilot)

Hmmm still guessing based on those clues but,…errrr, I could be wrong here but are you Eddie the Eagle??

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Hey Guys this thread is FAF.

Anyway, have attached a crap video showing my non SLD Exige (red) against SLD honda exige (yellow) coming out of slow hairpin. It’s at 1 min in.

Check out the inside wheel, think an LSD would be quicker especially in the wet.

Keep up the flaming LOL.

Take care,


Interesting vid Cisco…

Clearly shows that the non LSD car in red lost out a lot on that one corner alone (at 1 minute in )

While Eddie The Eagles brother in the yellow car stormed away up the straight !

And yes this thread is F.A.F !

Some have no sense of humour !

Seems the Argument for the diff is gaining momentum …

Cheers for that

Sorry pesky but the diff doesn’t care if its driving the fronts or rears… It just reduces slip .

Not true. The diff on a FWD car must allow much more slip before locking to allow the car to negotiate bends. I made the mistake of having a plated diff fitted to a 205 track car I had in the dim and distant past. Bloody scary on the road. Might have been alright on a gravel stage but lethal on the twisties on tarmac. Lasted one week before fitting a Quaife ATB and it was the dogs. Could feel the outside corner pulling you through bends. The guy I sold it to was less impressed as he said it would be useless if you broke a driveshaft half way through a stage, so was putting a plated diff back in.

Evo you are quite right in what you say there…
A plate (aka clutch diff) is very tight and quite unsuitable for a front drive car on tarmac.A torsen is much more suited there.

The torsen or gear diffs used in the toyota box and the honda i was refering to are suitable for front wheel or rear wheel drive cars tho…and thus are designed and set up in the same manner.

A front drive car with over 150 bhp is in my opinion beyond its limitations as the two fronts alone cant get much more power down anyway.

Cheers for pointing out the plated (clutch) diff use on a FWD.

Great on RWD rally cars though

Sorry about the name calling JK, out of order by me, will catch up soon mate

If you do have it fitted btw, I’d like to know how you get on. I plan to supercharge my car at Sinclair�s in Romford and I guess if it’s there I’ll get that done too. If you’re looking for extra power mybe send it down there for the entire job. Ade speaks highly of them and Wayne sounded ok on the phone.

I was interested to read the comments in this article, some of the replies were constructive, some definatley not.
My view:
The fitting of an LSD will make the car more predictable coming out of corners and will give better traction, I race an MGTF with Quaife LSD and would not be without it. I agree with Sean’s previous reply about a car with an LSD will always have an edge over a car without. I appreciate Lotus’s handle well, so do F1’s they all have LSD’s as does almost any race car. As for fitting one in a road car, if money is no object go ahead, however not worth it if never to go on track.