Just driven a 240r at KH

Hi guys just had a great day at Knock Hill. It was a Lotus Exige day! Run by Murray�s. The factory brought two cars up a standard and a 240r, everyone got some time in both with the some guys from Lotus keeping everything sensible from the passenger seat.
It turned out to be an open pit lane too so we all were out chasing the 240R.
I have never seen KH so wet, and I have seen it very wet, so not ideal conditions. Although made for some great conditions for practicing going sideways

I am not sure what Lotus was expecting but they brought a van filled with 48s, not sure if they thought they could get through all of them in the one day.

I got 5 laps driving the 240R and was very impressed; the biggest thing was the linear power delivery, found it easy to slide and generally loved it.
But I was relieved to walk away and be able to enjoy my own car just as much as before. The main thing was if it were available would it be worth 7-8k? My answer is no! I would be more inclined to get the Ohlins.

Bellow are some picts taken on my phone made sure I got some pics of the boot and it being FLUSH!!! The build number is 51P so think it is the media car.

Also got a couple of passenger laps with David from the factory and wow! He was just chucking the car in and then sorting everything out. He was so precise with his corrections a joy to watch.

It was great to be out on the track and every where you looked Exiges, just how it should be Exige domination.


Very sensible review Jamie!

So, all of those were S2?

And WTF is that blue bottle in the boot?

Isn’t the blue bottle the Accusump system?

Thats correct thats the Accusump screwed down in the boot.
Sadly there were no S1s as it was basicly a PR job for Murray’s and Lotus. Not going to complain since it was free.
Believe there are 31 S2 in Scotland and 15 of them were at KH today.

But I was relieved to walk away and be able to enjoy my own car just as much as before. The main thing was if it were available would it be worth 7-8k? My answer is no! I would be more inclined to get the Ohlins.

Interesting, and good to know. What about the 2nd cam coming in at 4000rpm? Was that a big improvement?? Do you still get that smile on your face when the 2nd cam comes in at 4000rpm as you get on the standard S2?

I got 5 laps driving the 240R and was very impressed; the biggest thing was the linear power delivery, found it easy to slide and generally loved it.

No cam rush (the way it should be)

I quite like the cam rush.

Been trying to think of a way to quantify what I felt, here goes…
You remeber when you first hit the 2nd cam in the Exige. My reaction was f*ck me thats fast.
In the 240R there is no step on to the 2nd cam. There is just thrust and for me I walked away knowing I would get used to the thrust and be looking for the next mod within days. The fact that i could happily get in my Exige straight after and be content ringing its neck

There are people who just bitch about the power delivery with the Yota engine then this is a fix, but for me thats part of the Exige experience and I for one take pleasure getting the gear changes right to keep it on cam. But thats just me. Just not sure that the performance gain is worth the estimated 7-8k. That said did hear chat of a low pressure SC to fill the gap between standard and 240R, we will see.

I drove the 240R today too and have to agree with Jamie. It is an awesome piece of kit, but because the power delivery is so linear I didn’t think it felt massively quicker than my own Exige. Then again, the smooth power delivery makes both quicker AND easier to drive in the wet, so it is a bit of a win win.


Nothing like a very wet track to even things up, eh?

Spot the 1/2"


People don’t usually brag about that Pesky!


People don’t usually brag about that Pesky!


Ah, but I meant the extra 1/2"

One thing I did forget to say was the standard Exige Lotus brought along had a whole chunk of understeer. It needed so much provocation to get the back out and most of the time it would just understeer. I guess that Lotus would rather be safe than sorry with a lot of people unfamiliar to the car driving it.

Also the first person to go out in the 240R spun it on the second lap, no wonder Dave Minter was looking a little frazzled

no wonder Dave Minter was looking a little frazzled

There’s a name from the past Last I heard, he was working for Ascari, helping to develop their “road” car. He’s a good bloke, who loves Lotuses

He’s back! Had the pleasure of a couple of laps in the 240R with him at the helm, a true hand.

One thing I did forget to say was the standard Exige Lotus brought along had a whole chunk of understeer. It needed so much provocation to get the back out and most of the time it would just understeer. I guess that Lotus would rather be safe than sorry with a lot of people unfamiliar to the car driving it.

Also the first person to go out in the 240R spun it on the second lap, no wonder Dave Minter was looking a little frazzled

I thought an S2 Exige would kill the understeer as it has 195 wide tyres at the front and not the small 175 tyres from an S2 elise?
Or did they made it more understeer just for the event?

Not had any real understeer problems with my S2

My Exige was its usual self (sideways )
I think they had played around with the geo or something. I was not the only one to find their demo car understeery

I also found the demo standard Exige understeered like mad at the hairpin - no understeer at all in my own car. Either tweaked geo for inexperienced punters or shagged front tyres methinks.

Dave Minter - he was indeed awesome lapping the 240R in the wet
