Interesting Review of S2

I think you’ll all find this interesting folks.

All good and well, though I’d like to see a review from someone who doesn’t owe a Lotus dealership a favour !

If some kind Lotus dealership offered me one for a few days, e.g. Donington, Silverstone, Brands and maybe Castle Combe, I would be happy to give a properly impartial review…

How long before that silly wing blows off, I wonder??

I hope gonein60seconds doesn’t read this thread.

Actually, I wonder if he’s a Lotus dealer…

Of course… if Lotus would like to lend an Exige to I can assure them of a fair review

The thing that interests me the most is the suspension. I want to read a review from somebody that has Nitrons.


If they care to loan one to me to review for a few days I would write whatever they ask

I’ll go further and say they can even write the review themselves

The thing that interests me the most is the suspension. I want to read a review from somebody that has Nitrons.


I think the expression is you cannot please everybody!

For those that know me, you’ll realise I’m talking from the point of view of running a very much non standard S1. It does run Nitrons (kindly sold to me by Matt Cummings last year) who raced LRSS last year with a few of the other Exige owners.

If I can tune my suspension to the match the Exige S2’s I’ll be a happy bunny, given that I do 6 + TD’s a year and drive the car on the road.

My own car runs a TT conversion, and is currently the developement car for Emerald’s new VVC ECU.

Do I owe Castle a favour, not all, we were expecting the Exige S2 to be trailerd up to Donny, so when the opportunity came to drive, who was I to turn it down? Castle were a TVR franchise and have expanded into Lotus, they are proactive and willing to get involved with car clubs and maintain good a relationship with the TVR owners club. Its a shame that more dealerships do not show the same level of enthusiasm.

From the reaction of the Exige S1 owners on the SELOC stand, its obvious that the new car will not appeal to the hard core owner, that said, its not aimed primarily at the current Exige S1 owners market IMHO.

To my mind its a 111R coupe, from feedback of those who have tried it on the track, it goes just as well on the track as it does on the road.

As I have said, do not knock until you try it, Lotus are bringing an Exige S2 and 111R to the SELOC Bedford day on 31st May and the Castle car may well be at the Bedford day on 10th April.

You can then make your own judgements.

First, welcome to the board Felix.

Read your SELOC Exige review, excellent. That, and yesterday’s Autocar review are the only real opinions we have at the mo - except for visual comparisons with its predesessors and siblings

As you say try one and judge for yourself - trying one next week and looking forward to it . Tested a 111r 4 weeks ago, although a v nice car it was far too comfortable for me and against the whole Elise/Exige ethos of paring weight. Installing a more powerful engine is a positive step, adding weight is not.

As mentioned elsewhere s2 Exige not aimed at s1 owners. I’m not exactly sure what market the S2 Exige is aimed at at �2k less the 111r is the logical choice. I wish Lotus every success with it tho’ and hope that they find the finances to broaden their current limited model range


I for one would be very pleased if Castle could arrange to have the S2 Exige at Bedford on the 10th … I would even let their guy drive my S1 to get a back to back comparison.

ditto to Andy’s comments, cos I’ll be there…

As I have said, do not knock until you try it, Lotus are bringing an Exige S2 and 111R to the SELOC Bedford day on 31st May and the Castle car may well be at the Bedford day on 10th April.

You can then make your own judgements.

Picking up Hethel Merman’s torch, this is my personal view, & is not aimed at Felix or anyone else for that matter:

I buy my “special cars” after considering many aspects - for me, the whole is more important than the individual parts. I love the looks, performance & rawness of the S1 Exige, & it gives ME the “wow factor” whenever I see one. I personally just don’t like the looks of the S2 as it presently stands, when compared to the S1 (this is of course totally subjective). If I were in the market for a change, I WOULDN’T go for an S2, even though I have no problem in believing that the Toyota engine/gearbox is “superior” to the VHPD in terms of reliability etc. As a “whole” it just doesn’t work for me. I used to get the “wow factor” when I had an EVO V1 in 1999/2000, but that only lasted a year. I’ve had the Exige since new in January 2001, & have absolutely no desire to change it for any other car in the �30K to �35K range.After reading many comments on the Elise bbs & Seloc about the S2, I’ve come to the firm conclusion that it is a bad joke to call it an Exige. I’m sure it’s a mighty fine road car, & naming it an Elise Coupe, or Elise Extreme, or whatever is perfectly fine, but an Exige it patently ain’t.

Good luck to those in the UK willing to part with the required dosh - my only wish is that they don’t %iss about taking the roof off


Thirded !


fifththeded…fitheded…I agree too

Sixed, plus sevened by my little cherub’s playmate, Vinyl Veronique

Blimey, seventhed and eigthed - some avatar transformation there Mr P from geriatrick to gogo dancer in 4 posts

Guys I agree, that’s why I said its not aimed at the current Exige S1 owners.

I called it the 111R coupe and Auto Car came to pretty much the same conclusion, I guess most who drive an Exige S1 will.

I’ll confirm the attendance of the CO Exige at Bedford in due course.

