I don’t think I know this car, or owner, despite being from Lancs & the sunstrip/sticker. MarcP recognise it perhaps? Could be a good track car for someone… Used cars for sale | PistonHeads UK
Interesting car…it’s being talked about over on Seloc so seeing the sticker thought I would see what I could find here…but if you don’t now it Pesky then no one will…Interesting that the window winder is taped up in the interior pic. Thats the way to fill confidence in a buyer
Interesting that the window winder is taped up in the interior pic. Thats the way to fill confidence in a buyer
I wouldn’t worry about that - it’s nothing major, just a bit of a pain to refix the glass to the winding mechanism - they have a habit of becoming detached just at the wrong moment!
If someone is after a car for mainly trackdays (rather than posing/polishing ), then it merits serious consideration imho. It appears to have all the right upgrades, & personally I also think it looks great in that colour scheme (no surprise there I suppose! ).
As to the price - can’t be far short (if not more) of �20K of mods there in the engine/bodywork/paint/brakes/wheels/suspension, so for someone considering going down that route, it’s priced in the right ballpark for a completed job (assuming it’s been done properly, & I have no reason to doubt that).
No I don’t know it sorry
looks nice
believe me they do go well.
come to think of it it’s not matt’s car is it I saw some clams of his car for sale on e-bay recently up in the north
Rob ! what time did you post that
Rob ! what time did you post that
4.21am I believe
Worrying thing is, Andy was around too - hope he’s not stalking me
Rob ! what time did you post that
4.21am I believe
Worrying thing is, Andy was around too - hope he’s not stalking me
Was bloody up at 03:30 this morning as couldn’t sleep. Mind you I’m up at 05:00 everyday work or not…sad I know…
Happy birthday Andy
Thanks Pesky…
Most of my post I would imagine will be before 06:00…
I think it’s Dave Brown’s (Admin5) old car.
I think it’s Dave Brown’s (Admin5) old car.
Cheers Bernard
In that case, I would be very, very surprised if it’s not a cracker, as I’m sure it was whilst David owned it.
This was it a little while ago…
OMG! Looks like it could do with a T-Cut since that photo was taken
Usual uninformed crap being spouted on Seloc, by wannabees
i tried talking sense to them on seloc but its not working
i tried talking sense to them on seloc but its not working
Indeed you have, Chris, but don’t worry about it, mate Anyone who is genuinely after/thinking about converting to Audi will realise what’s involved, & the cost of getting a car to that spec - the rest are just dreamers
Looked better in gloss black imho, but a very cheap car
Interesting that converted cars seem to be dropping in price but nice originals are holding their value, a good colour low mileage exige is still worth 18k-20k but a converted equivalent car is only 2-4k more expensive after maybe 15k of mods
This was it a little while ago…
[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/wazzer/DSC00074_sized.jpg> [/image]
Ah, yes remember that one for sale…only my opinion but it looks much better there.Wonder why thery changed it…That wasn’t that lomg ago either so who ever bought it didn’t have it for long.
Original cars will now always hold strong on value. As the cars get older an original untouched car will fetch more than a converted car…thats just how the market goes as they are seen as collector cars.
I made an offer on that as knew the guy who bought it off david, sadly it was turned down and i couldnt sell my honda elise anyway so it never happened, as for seloc, jesus that place is worse than Pistonheads
He’s selling 4 other cars on Pistonheads,so I take it he’s a car dealer.
I think he may have just bought this:
fron race cars direct with a view to racing it next season, so selling the Exige would make sene…