I fought the law.. and won !

yes imo it was dangerous as most 30Mph Zones are normally where people and children are.

“Won’t somebody think of the children !!!”

There are plenty of 30mph zones around here which aren’t near residential areas, and in the small hours of the morning I’d wonder why small children are roaming on those roads alone.

Admin5 - your star rating is dropping everytime you post

Thats a bit heavy … remember that there is no victim here and EVERYONE breaks these particular laws.

Yes, everyone (me included) has/does break this particular law. But heavy? No, not really. Maybe there was no victim this time, but what about next time, particularly in a 30 limit? The charge was (apprantly) failing to give evidence. If there had been a victim what then?

Everyone should defend their innocence when that is the case, which does not happen to be the case here.

Admin5 - your star rating is dropping everytime you post

Nowt to do with me, guv

As the owner/registered keeper (whatever), you are responsible for the offence if no-one else is identified.

Wrong. I suggest you read up on the law and not tabloid headlines.

Wrong. I suggest you read up on the law and not tabloid headlines.

I don’t read tabloids. However, I have just read the ‘charge sheet’ from my Mrs recent speeding offence i.e. if you don’t ID the driver, you cop the fine.

That debate could go on for pages … sorry but I think these things are best discussed face to face, its difficult to get all your points across how you want in forums. Things can get heated and the point of the thread can quickly be forgotten, and I simply dont care enough to type that much.

whats a ford Cortina got to do with you doing 40Mph in a 30Mph Zone ?

A range rover which is not a people safe car hitting some one at 40mph is prob going to kill them. And with the laws how they are today you would be up for manslaughter and would go to jail.

Its not for me to judge anyone, who am I to be able to do that ?

But to post on a forum and brag about getting off and costing the justice system 1000’s of pounds when you are guilty just make’s you a lier and a cheat.

now that may sound harsh and I don’t like to say that but those are the facts.

Repeating what I wrote above, you may have missed it:

As the owner of the vehicle it is your obligation under the RTA 172 to exercise due diligence to identify the driver of the vehicle at the time. Failing to do so is an offence.

Not naming the driver and unable to show diligence would be an offence.

Not naming the driver and being able to show diligence is not an offence.

… remember that there is no victim here…

We all could be victims in the end, thanks to the “Nick Freemans” of this world.

All this, whilst our Govt won’t spend enough money to provide prison cells to lock up the scrotes who thieve/drive without insurance/beat up easy targets etc etc.

whats a ford Cortina got to do with you doing 40Mph in a 30Mph Zone ?

I didn’t say I was doing 40mph in a 30mph, nice try though.

This thread has gone beyond my particular case and is also a discussion about speed cameras in general. The point I was making was how indiscriminate cameras are, and how common sense isn’t applied to judging what is “safe” and what isn’t.

And as Pesky alludes to… those who drive illegally, without tax and insurance aren’t caught by cameras… Now if you had police to stop people who they felt were driving too fast, or suspected of no documents…

Mr Admin

In the best interests of the usual harmony of exiges.com, please lock this thread.


… remember that there is no victim here…

We all could be victims in the end, thanks to the “Nick Freemans” of this world.

All this, whilst our Govt won’t spend enough money to provide prison cells to lock up the scrotes who thieve/drive without insurance/beat up easy targets etc etc.

Totally agree … if we keep going as we are we will all be driving cars with GPS systems that control your speed. Its only a matter of time until we have a system like this or a similiar variant …

Don’t lock it yet, I’ve just got myself another pack of Hob Nobs!!

I agree that police should spend more time getting uninsured drivers off the roads and less time sitting in scamera vans.

we all know scamera vans are just there to make money.

but Fixed camera’s in the right places are a good thing

Don’t lock it yet, I’ve just got myself another pack of Hob [color:“red”] Knobs!! [/color]


I didn’t say I was doing 40mph in a 30mph, nice try though.

Nope, you said the car was. Clever car that, & to think it was originally a BL design

I agree that police should spend more time getting uninsured drivers off the roads and less time sitting in scamera vans.

we all know scamera vans are just there to make money.

but Fixed camera’s in the right places are a good thing

I totally agree, I’m sure nobody would complain if they put up a speed camera outside every school and hospital…
As for Mr Admin I don’t feel he has “got off” a speeding fine, the prosecution failed to provide enough evidence to prosecute, so therefore it is the CPS that failed either by persuing this and wasting our money or failing to relise they were going to loose…

“As the owner/registered keeper (whatever), you are responsible for the offence if no-one else is identified.”

uh… thats boll0cks…

please, at least stick to FACTS if you insist on getting on your respective moral high horses.

If you really did not know who was driving then I say good on you for standing up for your rights.

While pople should not be allowed to abuse the defence of not knowing who was driving its perfectly reasonable that sometimes you really might not know. Its not our fault the technology they use is so poor it can’t provide proper evidence in many cases. Of course if they used a copper to pull you aover they would have proper evidence.

In Germany they (or at least used to) let you claim this defence a couple of times then insist you keep a log and could inspect the log at any time.