Hunt the Fox

Where’s Johnny?

Ohhhhh, Jonny! :crazy: :wink:

I have not seen him in Budapest today.

This is more like it :laughing:

Excellent, fellas, just the sort of entertainment we need in these dark, miserable months . . .I knew I’d set the fox running.
The question is, though, is he too busy tearing his S1 apart to visit his old mates on here?

The hunt is definitely on

He’s busy…

Back in 1984, ‘Sam’ had those insured for several hundred thousand against hitting their ‘droop stops’!..

I wonder if she has received her payout yet! That would explain the 'Fox’s absence!! :smiley:

She bats for the other side these days…aka muffin the mule

mmmmmm… Sam Fox. Teenage years well livened up : P

He should be able to hear us :smiley:

was just thinking this the other day

She’ll have that S1 transformed in no time

Maybe he’s sick? Is there a Doctor in the house?

Oh no not that twat…

Maybe he’s gone back to the future

Michael j fox